Here you can query data FWP houses in its statewide, centralized internal database known as the Fisheries Information System. This database contains information collected by FWP biologists and technicians, as well as data collected by outside sources (agencies, business, organizations, universities and contractors) working in Montana. The database is managed and maintained by the Fisheries Division of FWP and is updated in "real time". Raw data and summaries provided here are considered "provisional". Therefore, we ask that if you wish to use any data for published work contact the individual data provider for permission.
Suggested citation format, common examples
Stocking information:
Montana Fish, Wildlife &
Parks. 2018. FishMT Stocking Data for Canyon Ferry Reservoir.
Accessed 26 April 2018. Retrieved from
Survey and Inventory Data:
Montana Fish, Wildlife &
Parks. 2018. FishMT Survey and Inventory Data, Canyon Ferry
Reservoir. Accessed 26 April 2018. Retrieved from