Where to Fish  Region 4 Waterbodies

Name Alias Region Drainage Counties Proximity
Abbott Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50334
Abbott Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51024
Abbott Lake 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 42505
Ackley Lake 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 42320
Acres Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52542
Adams Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51606
Adobe Creek 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 53355
Agate Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50781
Agency Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52215
Ahorn Basin 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 41342
Ahorn Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 45305
Akins Coulee 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 48156
Alabaugh Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50939
Albertson Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52286
Alces Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 45404
Alder Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50213
Aldrich Coulee 4 Teton Pondera, Teton 0.0 52455
Alice Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50290
Alkali Coulee 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 51336
Alkali Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50320
Alkali Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 51773
Alkali Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50753
Alkali Creek ALKALI CR 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48894
Alkali Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 48705
Alkali Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 44106
Alkali Creek 4, 7 Lower Musselshell Garfield, Petroleum 0.0 48764
Alkali Creek 4 Flatwillow Petroleum 0.0 49267
Alkali Flat Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 44992
Alkali Lake 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 42575
Alkali Lake 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 43065
Alkali Lake 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 43183
Alkali Springs Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51499
Allan Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51028
Allen Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52479
Allen Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 53654
Allen Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52163
Allen Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51647
Allison Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 42453
Aloe Lake 4 Marias Toole 0.0 42561
Alpine Gulch 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49397
Alpine Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 41503
American Bar Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52123
American Gulch 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark 0.0 54076
Anderson Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49680
Anderson Coulee 4 Middle Musselshell Garfield, Petroleum 0.0 48843
Anderson Coulee 4 Sun Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 52537
Anderson Coulee Reservoir Beavertail Reservoir 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141219
Anderson Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 39679
Anderson Pond 4 Sun Teton 0.0 32282890
Anderson Reservoir 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 141129
Andy Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 53038
Antelope Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 49983
Antelope Coulee 4 Willow Liberty 0.0 50771
Antelope Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52784
Antelope Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48384
Antelope Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 50722
Antelope Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52509
Antelope Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51889
Antelope Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49900
Antelope Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52468
Antelope Creek 4, 6 Fort Peck Reservoir Phillips 0.0 49623
Antelope Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51021
Antelope Creek 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 48624
Antelope Lake Ostle Res 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 43196
Appraisal Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 51412
Arch Coulee 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50950
Arch Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50747
Armells Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49138
Armington Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 45696
Arnold Coulee 4 Sun Teton 0.0 53793
Arnoux Creek 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 55291
Arnst Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51899
Arrow Creek 4 Arrow, Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus, Chouteau, Judith Basin 0.0 50051
Arsenic Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 53933
Asarco Smelter Pond 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 141004
Athern Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48412
Atlanta Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50171
Aubery Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 43060
Auchard Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54513
Austin Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51832
Avalanche Creek 3, 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark, Broadwater 0.0 52995
Ayers Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51341
Ayers Reservoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 40694
Badger Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50964
Badger Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50917
Badger Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 54284
Badger Pass 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 55169
Badland Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49437
Bailey Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54291
Bair Reservoir 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 43264
Baker Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51306
Bald Bear Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54251
Baldy Bear Cr Lakes 1 and 2 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40199
Baldy Bear Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 45364
Balsinger Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50443
Bangtail Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50806
Banner Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52137
Bar Gulch 3, 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark, Broadwater 0.0 45638
Barber Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 52432
Barnaboo Cr 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51368
Barnes Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52924
Barr Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53226
Barr Lake 4 Arrow Fergus 0.0 141165
Barr Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40746
Barrel Coulee 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50659
Barrell Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52151
Barrows Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 48935
Barta Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141091
Basin Coulee 4 Marias Chouteau, Liberty 0.0 50470
Basin Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50583
Basin Lake 4 Sun Teton 0.0 42513
Batchelor Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51082
Battle Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54287
Bayers Pond 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 141077
Bayes Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51438
Beale Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 43582
Bean Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 42458
Bear Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 49023
Bear Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48353
Bear Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50720
Bear Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53807
Bear Creek Reservoir 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 43146
Bear Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54760
Bear Gulch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50599
Bear Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51441
Bear Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51692
Bear Gulch North Fork Lyons Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51815
Bear Gulch 4 Smith Cascade, Meagher 0.0 51629
Bear Gulch 4 Upper Milk Liberty 0.0 50651
Bear Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52971
Bear Gulch 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54175
Bear Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51267
Bear Gulch Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51853
Bear Gulch Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52336
Bear Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40944
Bear Springs Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49685
Beards Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51549
Bearpaw Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 39684
Beartooth Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52591
Beartrap Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 72965477
Beartrap Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52605
Beartrap Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52294
Beaudry Fork 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 50898
Beaupre Coulee 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 52378
Beaver Ball Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 49583
Beaver Ball Lake 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 141058
Beaver Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50498
Beaver Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50716
Beaver Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49687
Beaver Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54304
Beaver Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52817
Beaver Creek 3, 4 Upper Missouri Broadwater, Jefferson 0.0 52746
Beaver Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51861
Beaver Dam Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51600
Bedrock Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52552
Beebe Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50441
Belle Creek 4 Upper Milk Liberty 0.0 50615
Belt Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Chouteau 0.0 57524
Ben English Coulee 4 Marias Teton 0.0 53800
Benchmark Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53824
Bend Gulch Creek 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 50385
Bender Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 49107
Bender Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50358
Benes Pond 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 39165537
Benes Pond #2 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 141233
Benes Pond 3 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 40464
Bengor Creek 4 Upper Milk Liberty 0.0 50715
Benson Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54271
Benton Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50686
Benton Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 43140
Berens Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 52531
Berg Reservoir 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 41569
Berger Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 49966
Bergstrom Reservoir 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 22674255
Berkholder Reservoir 4 Willow Toole 0.0 40641
Berry Coulee 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 50645
Bessette Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51841
Big Birch Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 57528
Big Butte Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51363
Big Camas Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50185
Big Casino Creek Reservoir 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 40473
Big Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50960
Big Coulee 4 Arrow Fergus 0.0 50016
Big Coulee 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50776
Big Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau, Judith Basin 0.0 50499
Big Coulee 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 50148
Big Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49779
Big Coulee 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 50440
Big Coulee 4 Sun Cascade, Teton 0.0 52847
Big Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51373
Big Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50344
Big Coulee 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 49736
Big Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 51068
Big Coulee Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 45693
Big Dam 4 Willow Liberty 0.0 40710
Big Flat Coulee 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 49936
Big Flat Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 57498
Big George Gulch 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 53544
Big Hill Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50538
Big Lake 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 43591
Big Lake 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 40491
Big Log Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52799
Big Mill Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52554
Big Nose Coulee 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 54538
Big Otter Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 51200
Big Plum Coulee 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 54377
Big Rattlesnake Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 53119
Big Rock Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54798
Big Sag 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51132
Big Sag Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51668
Big Sag Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 43541
Big Sheep Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52274
Big Skunk Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51260
Big Spring Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 50101
Big Spring Lake 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 40872
Big Timber Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50891
Big Willow Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51241
Biggett Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48856
Bighead Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 55036
Bilk Gulch 3, 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark, Broadwater 0.0 52872
Bills Coulee 4 Marias Pondera, Teton 0.0 54801
Bingham Lake 4 Upper Milk Liberty 0.0 43194
Birch Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50494
Birch Creek 4, 6 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau, Blaine 0.0 49185
Birch Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 51827
Bird Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51170
Bird Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52722
Birdtail Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52993
Birkeland Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 43548
Birkland Coulee 4 Arrow Fergus 0.0 49485
Bish Coulee 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 44943
Bishop Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51453
Bison Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51914
Bite Coulee 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 53976
Black Bear Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 45261
Black Butte Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 50059
Black Canyon 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51628
Black Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 53640
Black Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52653
Black Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51917
Black Coulee 4 Marias Hill, Chouteau, Liberty 0.0 51497
Black Coulee 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 49965
Black Horse Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 40693
Black Horse Lake Flat 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51129
Black Rock Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54500
Blackfeet Gulch 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51297
Blackfoot Coulee 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 52820
Blackleaf Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54085
Blackrock Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 51534
Blacksmith Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52480
Blacktail Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48807
Blacktail Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51094
Blacktail Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 51525
Blacktail Creek BLACKTAIL CR 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 49519
Blacktail Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 52178
Blacktail Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54363
Blacktail Gulch 4 Sun Teton 0.0 53969
Blaine Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52701
Blake Creek 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Fergus, Wheatland 0.0 49688
Blanding Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51152
Blankenship Gulch 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 49918
Blind Breed Gulch 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49795
Blind Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Teton 0.0 54985
Blind Fork 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 45262
Blindhorse Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52207
Blood Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48964
Blood Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 49511
Blood Creek 4, 7 Lower Musselshell Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 48771
Blowout Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51526
Blubber Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 52260
Blue Cloud Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54492
Blue Lake 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 40904
Bluff Mountain Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50696
Bobcat Coulee 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 50788
Bolds Pond 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 39165534
Bonanza Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50521
Bonanza Reservoir 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 43265
Boneau 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 42520
Borgstrom Reservoir 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 16407145
Borys Pond 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 39835
Boston Coulee 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 45664
Bottle Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51308
Boulder Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50373
Boulder Creek 1, 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 46729
Boulder Gulch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 51083
Boundary Creek 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 55756
Boundary Lake 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 43063
Bourne Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50876
Bourpe and Hamilton Reservoir 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 43514
Bovee Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 39858
Bower Canyon 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49661
Bower Gulch 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 49947
Bowman Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52883
Bowman Reservoir #1 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 141197
Bowman Reservoir #2 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 141192
Bowman Reservoir #3 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 141203
Box Canyon 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 51872
Box Creek 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 53766
Box Elder Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 49273
Box Elder Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49640
Box Elder Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51436
Box Elder Creek Reservoir Vogel Reservoir 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 39986
Boy Scout Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141123
Boyd Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48656
Boyd Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 46924
Boyle Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51444
Boyum Pond 4 Marias Toole 0.0 141359
Bozeman Fork Musselshell River 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 49915
Brady Canal 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52431
Brady Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 52349
Brady Pond Brady Pond 4 x 0.0 87880265
Braun Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50242
Bray Gulch 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52010
Breed Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48660
Breed Creek 4 Upper Milk Toole, Liberty 0.0 51061
Brewer Pond 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 141236
Brickoff Pond 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 141063
Brickyard Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 49619
Bridge Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51389
Bridge Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52313
Bridge Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 14009237
Bridge Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 53834
Bridge Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52391
Bridge Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50478
Bridge Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52360
Bridger Pond 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 39976
Briese Reservoir 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 39896
Briggs Coulee 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 49001
Briggs Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 55577
Briggs Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51408
Briggs Pond 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 141281
Brigman Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51140
Brooks Coulee 4 Upper Musselshell Fergus 0.0 49183
Brooks Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50934
Brown Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50392
Brown Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49700
Browning Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 40756
Browns Canyon 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49717
Browns Gulch 4 Upper Musselshell Fergus 0.0 49180
Browns Reservoir 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 43193
Bruce Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 51817
Bruce Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 51492
Bruce Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 44273
Brush Creek 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 49252
Brush Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 49372
Brush Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48400
Bubs Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 43881
Buck Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 49142
Buckingham Reservoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 43230
Buckley Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 52558
Buffalo Canyon 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51014
Buffalo Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49526
Buffalo Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 50092
Buffalo Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49332
Buffalo Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 48160
Buffalo Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 43098
Buffalo Lakes 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 41796
Buffalo Wallow Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 42886
Buffalo Wallow Reservoir 2 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 39996
Bull Creek 4, 6 Fort Peck Reservoir Phillips, Blaine 0.0 48425
Bull Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48649
Bull Run Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52340
Bull Springs Coulee 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 49316
Bullberry Coulee 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 51553
Bullhead Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51031
Bullhead Creek 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 52595
Bullhead Creek tributary RM 9.5 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 48511247
Bullwhacker Coulee 4, 6 Bullwhacker - Dog Blaine 0.0 48346
Bunch Grass Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54901
Bunyan Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54030
Burd Coulee 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 45306
Burd Hill Lake 4 Teton Teton 0.0 42508
Burg Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 14004478
Burke Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52014
Burleigh Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141079
Burley Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50774
Burned Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53837
Burnett Reservoir 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 141088
Burnette Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49768
Burnshed Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48944
Burnt Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53522
Burnt Timber Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49356
Burris Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 47746
Butcher Knife Canyon 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50455
Butcherknife Gulch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50001
Butler Coulee 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 49118
Butte Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 49855
Butte Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51509
Butte Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 52764
Buttolph Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54208
Bynum Reservoir 4 Teton Teton 0.0 43062
Byrne Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50525
C-1 Reservoir 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 43900
Cabin Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50743
Cabin Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50899
Cabin Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 53292
Cabin Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52385
Cache Coulee 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 50813
Calamity Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 44362
Calf Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50464
Cals Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51768
Camas Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51334
Camas Lake 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 40271
Camelbratten Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 49269
Cameron Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 51016
Cameron Lake 4 Willow Toole 0.0 43375
Cameron Pond #1 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 141261
Cameron Pond #2 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 141259
Camp Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52180
Camp Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51043
Campbell Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49499
Campbell Reservoir 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 141071
Canal Lake 4 Sun Teton 0.0 40742
Candle Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52318
Cannon Lake 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 42527
Cannonball Coulee 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 45615
Canon Creek 4 Willow Toole 0.0 53403
Canyon Cr 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50839
Canyon Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51822
Canyon Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 53548
Canyon Ferry Lake Canyon Ferry Reservoir 3, 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark, Broadwater 0.0 42585
Canyon, The 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50867
Careless Creek 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Fergus, Wheatland, Golden Valley 0.0 57490
Carlow Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 39688
Carlson Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50656
Carpenter Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 49275
Carpenter Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50690
Carpenter Creek, Trib 4.3 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 14009270
Carpenter Reservoir 4 Arrow Fergus 0.0 141166
Carr Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50822
Carroll Coulee 4, 6 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus, Phillips 0.0 48168
Carter Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 49250
Carter Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49033
Carter Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54496
Carters Pond Lower Carter Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 43169
Cartwright Coulee 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54747
Carvers Coulee 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 51940
Cascade Coulee 4 Sun Teton 0.0 52948
Cascade Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51346
Casey Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51611
Cashman Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52979
Casino Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48646
Cass Pond #1 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 141173
Cass Pond #2 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 141170
Castle Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49233
Castle Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50863
Castle Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50571
Castle Lake 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 43540
Castner Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 53643
Castners Coulee 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50519
Cat Creek 4 Lower Musselshell Garfield, Petroleum 0.0 44133
Cataract Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54441
Catfish Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 42862
Catherine Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52027
Catlin Spring CATLIN SPRING CR 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51968
Catlin Springs Reservoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 140988
Cave Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51258
Cave Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 55314
Cave Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 53351
Cavitt Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 51806
Cecil Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50529
Cellar Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54714
Cemetary Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 40757
Centennial Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52305
Chamberlain Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 50356
Chambers Coulee 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 49932
Charcoal Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 31748205
Charcoal Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51552
Charity Gulch 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark 0.0 54683
Checkerboard Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50988
Checkerboard Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52338
Cherry Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50793
Cherry Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52878
Cherry Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51763
Chessman Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri Jefferson 0.0 42500
Chicago Gulch 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48899
Chicago Lake 4 Willow Liberty 0.0 40706
Chicken Coulee 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51046
Chicken Coulee 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 50973
Chimney Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 47749
Chimney Rock Coulee 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 51555
Chip Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 44109
Chip Creek 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 51421
Chippewa Creek CHIPPEWA CR 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 49067
Christensen Reservoir 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 43261
Christian Res 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 40276
Cigarette Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 52227
Cimshake Dam 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 141191
Circle Bar Coulee 4, 7 Middle Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48855
Circle Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 53293
Circle Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51918
Circus Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 53839
Clark Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 50998
Clark Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54547
Clark Fork Muddy Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52268
Clarke Reservoir 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 141187
Clarks Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52932
Clausen Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51922
Clayton Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51786
Clear Lake 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 42313
Clemons Coulee 4 Sun Teton 0.0 51225
Clemons Coulee Reservoir 4 Sun Teton 0.0 31554495
Clemons Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54694
Cleveland Creek 4 Judith Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 49999
Clift Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 50477
Clutchbaugh Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 48960
Clydes Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 44101
Coal Bank Coulee 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 51486
Coal Bank Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49859
Coal Banks Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49719
Coal Coulee 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 50465
Coal Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49701
Coal Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51594
Coal Mine Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50458
Coal Mine Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50129
Coates Pond 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 43269
Cobbs Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40248
Cobell Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54016
Cochran Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52821
Cochrane Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 16631937
Cody Lake 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 42981
Coffee Creek 4 Arrow Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 49486
Colarchik Cabin Coulee 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 50364
Colbry Pond 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 141428
Cold Feet Coulee 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 48511936
Collar Gulch Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48947
Colorado Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52270
Comb Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50003
Combo Pond 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 141019
Confederate Gulch 3, 4 Upper Missouri Broadwater 0.0 52791
Conklin Pond 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 141002
Connely Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49695
Conners Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 43557
Connoly Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 49254
Conway Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 43066
Cook Reservoir 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 40653
Cook Reservoir 1 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 39854
Cook Reservoir 2 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 39850
Cooks Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50463
Cooks Gulch 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 47239
Coon Creek 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 45317
Coonsa Creek 1, 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 54562
Cooper Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 51120
Copper Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50487
Copper Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50929
Cora Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 51559
Corral Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 51869
Corral Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 45044
Corral Creek 3, 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark, Jefferson 0.0 53065
Corral Creek 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50870
Corwin Reservoir 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 141084
Cotton Dam 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 39977
Cottontail Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 53353
Cottonwood Coulee 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 53537
Cottonwood Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48889
Cottonwood Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51513
Cottonwood Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51783
Cottonwood Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau, Judith Basin 0.0 49715
Cottonwood Creek 4 Upper Missouri Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 57500
Cottonwood Creek 4 Lower Musselshell Garfield, Petroleum 0.0 48770
Cottonwood Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51277
Cottonwood Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50112
Cottonwood Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49178
Cottonwood Creek 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51027
Cottonwood Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50762
Cottonwood Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51472
Cottonwood Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54729
Cottonwood Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52359
Cottonwood Hollow 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51593
Cottonwood Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 39997
Coulter Canyon 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52663
Courtnage Reservoir #1 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 141260
Courtnage Reservoir 2 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 39876
Courtneys Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50412
Cow Coulee 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51637
Cow Cr, M Fk 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52487
Cow Cr, N Fk 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54306
Cow Creek 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 53765
Cow Creek 4, 6 Fort Peck Reservoir Blaine 0.0 48424
Cow Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54327
Cowboy Creek 4 Arrow Fergus, Chouteau 0.0 50415
Cox Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50971
Cox Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 53040
Coxcy Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52873
Coxs Lake Cox, Cox's 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 42461
Coyote Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 44108
Coyote Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52126
Coyote Creek 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 49405
Coyote Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50712
Coyote Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49418
Coyote Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49179
Coyote Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50522
Coyote Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50786
Craig Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 141086
Cral Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49699
Crater Lake 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 41571
Crawford Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51163
Crazy Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 55576
Cripps Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141190
Crist Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48378
Crittenden Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52647
Croffs Lake 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 41441
Crooked Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49867
Crooked Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52779
Crooked Creek 4 Smith Cascade, Meagher 0.0 52790
Cross Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50210
Crossen Coulee 4 Sun Teton 0.0 52213
Crow Coulee 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 51088
Crow Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50246
Crow Coulee Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 38673019
Crown Butte Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 53027
Crown Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54031
Crucifixion Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 44507
Crystal Lake 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 43118
Culvert Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51026
Cuniff Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51283
Cunningham Pond 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 141108
Currie Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51645
Currie Spring 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 43549
Cut Bank Club Pond 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 40235
Cut Bank Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49952
Cut Bank Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50346
Cut Bank Creek CUT BANK CR 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 52158
Cut Bank John Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 55273
Cutbank Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 48673
Cutreef Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53962
Cutrock Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54431
Cutting Shed Coulee 4 Sun Teton 0.0 51226
Cyanide Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53273
D Ratzburg Reservoir 4 Marias Toole 0.0 42596
DANCING WINDS POND 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 40074
Daisy Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51477
Daisy Dean Creek 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Wheatland, Meagher 0.0 50823
Dale Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 51118
Dammel Pond 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 39873
Daniels Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51305
Dark Canyon 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49891
Dark Gulch 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51222
Davis Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48828
Davis Coulee 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 55227
Davis Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 49728
Davis Lake 4 Sun Teton 0.0 42490
Dawkins Branch 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 50149
Dawson Pond #1 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 141172
Dawson Pond #2 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 141171
Dead Indian Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 45621
Dead Indian Coulee 4 Marias Chouteau, Liberty 0.0 51177
Dead Indian Coulee 4 Marias Toole, Pondera, Liberty 0.0 50476
Deadhorse Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50110
Deadman Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48883
Deadman Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50854
Deadman Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50556
Deadman Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51620
Deadman Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50835
Deadman Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54709
Deadman Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51764
Deadman Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51506
Dearborn Ranch Pond #2 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 141097
Dearborn River 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 52668
Decker Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50920
Deep Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48767
Deep Creek 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 53527
Deep Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52279
Deep Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51105
Deep Lake 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 41439
Deer Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48914
Deer Coulee Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 30009429
Deer Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50948
Deer Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49388
Deer Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51879
Deer Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51828
Deer Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51934
Deer Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53296
Deer Creek 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 50871
Deer Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52028
Deer Creek 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 52744
Deer Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51589
Deerfield Reservoir 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141117
Delaney Coulee 4 Sun Teton 0.0 54465
Delaney Reservoir 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 39946
Demijohn Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51287
Democrat Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50629
Den Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51630
Dengel Reservoir 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 39955
Denton Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51863
Depot Creek 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54233
Desert Coulee 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 51239
Devil Canyon 4 Smith Cascade, Meagher 0.0 50685
Devils Canyon 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49822
Devils Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51906
Devine Creek Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 40239
Devon Reservoir 4 Willow Toole 0.0 42737
Dexter Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50862
Diacon Pond 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 44526718
Diamond Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52954
Diamond Spring Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52441
Dickens Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 42802
Dicks Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51927
Dicksons Pond 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 39872
Dipping Tank Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 45536
Dipping Vat Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49729
Dipping Vat Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50154
Dipping Vat Pond 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 39880
Ditch Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51096
Diversion Lake 4 Sun Teton 0.0 42969
Divide Creek 1, 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 46332
Divine Lake 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 39871
Dodge Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52832
Doerr Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49998
Dog Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 52483
Dog Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 51858
Dog Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus, Chouteau 0.0 50159
Dog Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52090
Dog Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49483
Dog Creek 2, 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark, Powell 0.0 54766
Dog Gun Lake 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 40852
Doggett Reservoir Elk Creek Reservoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 40695
Dohrs Creek 4 Upper Milk Liberty 0.0 51864
Double Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50641
Dougcliff Reservoir 4 Teton Teton 0.0 42523
Dovetail Creek 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus, Garfield, Petroleum 0.0 48772
Downer Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49005
Drag Creek 4 Lower Musselshell Garfield, Petroleum 0.0 48768
Drag Creek Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 42861
Drain Canal 12 4 Sun Teton 0.0 52651
Drain Canal 8 4 Sun Teton 0.0 52921
Drain M 4 Sun Cascade, Teton 0.0 51703
Dry Armells Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48382
Dry Beaver Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51080
Dry Blood Creek 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 49248
Dry Blood Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 39989
Dry Canyon 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49348
Dry Canyon 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51626
Dry Coulee 4, 6 Fort Peck Reservoir Phillips, Petroleum 0.0 48811
Dry Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 55171
Dry Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 52332
Dry Creek 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 45068
Dry Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50368
Dry Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 50081
Dry Creek 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 45071
Dry Creek-kerzelok Reservoir 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 42503
Dry Fork 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52583
Dry Fork 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 49515
Dry Fork 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 51447
Dry Fork Belt Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 51797
Dry Fork Belt Creek, Unnamed Trib 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 38708265
Dry Fork Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50235
Dry Fork Coulee 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 49943
Dry Fork Coulee 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 51612
Dry Fork Coulee 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 49919
Dry Fork Marias River 4 Marias Toole, Pondera 0.0 52949
Dry Fork Milk River 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 55294
Dry Fork Musselshell River 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 49921
Dry Fork Whitetail Deer Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51365
Dry Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54759
Dry Gulch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 51109
Dry Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50909
Dry Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52454
Dry Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52389
Dry Gulch Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52652
Dry Pole Canyon 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50131
Dry Pole Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49213
Dry Wolf Creek 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 50090
Dry Wolf Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49667
Dry Wolf Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 42863
Dryden Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 55040
Duce Creek 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 51064
Duck Creek 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 48560
Duck Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49641
Duck Creek 3, 4 Upper Missouri Broadwater 0.0 52769
Duck Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 52083
Duck Lake 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 40837
Dugout Coulee 4 Marias Chouteau, Liberty 0.0 51208
Dumas Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 52078
Duncan Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48951
Duncan Reservoir 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 42814
Dunkirk Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52796
Dunkirk Reservoir 4 Willow Toole 0.0 42532
Dunsmore Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50232
Dupuyer Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Teton 0.0 51975
Durfee Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 49582
Dutch Henry Coulee 4 Marias Hill, Chouteau 0.0 50381
Dutch John Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 51772
Dutchman Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51186
Dutton Coulee 4 Middle Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48852
Duval Creek 4, 6 Fort Peck Reservoir Phillips 0.0 49046
E Fk Spring Creek Reservoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 39859
Eagle Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50570
Eagle Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50679
Eagle Creek 4 Willow Liberty 0.0 50680
Eagle Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 53927
Eagle Creek 4, 6 Bullwhacker - Dog Hill, Chouteau 0.0 50449
Ear Mountain Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 72968287
Early Coulee EARLY COULEE 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50940
East Antelope Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49907
East Canyon Ferry Canal 3, 4 Upper Missouri Broadwater 0.0 49711053
East Dugout Coulee 4 Marias Chouteau, Liberty 0.0 50969
East Fork Ahorn Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 45258
East Fork Armells Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48867
East Fork Big Rock Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54736
East Fork Big Spring Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49241
East Fork Birch Creek 4, 6 Bullwhacker - Dog Hill, Chouteau 0.0 49691
East Fork Black Coulee 4 Marias Hill, Chouteau, Liberty 0.0 50953
East Fork Blacktail Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54364
East Fork Blake Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Fergus 0.0 49177
East Fork Box Elder Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48943
East Fork Bull Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48669
East Fork Calf Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51960
East Fork Checkerboard Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50401
East Fork Cottonwood Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51148
East Fork Cottonwood Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48643
East Fork Cyanide Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53280
East Fork Ellis Canyon 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51638
East Fork Falls Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52301
East Fork Fisher Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51884
East Fork Fords Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48900
East Fork Government Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 44302
East Fork Grasshopper Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50253
East Fork Green Pole Canyon 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49195
East Fork Haymaker Creek 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Wheatland, Meagher 0.0 50331
East Fork Hound Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 52709
East Fork Indian Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 45608
East Fork Lee Creek 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 55360
East Fork Lion Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50949
East Fork Mud Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50563
East Fork North Fork Teton River 4 Teton Teton 0.0 51535
East Fork Reservoir East Fork Spring Creek Reservoir 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 42859
East Fork Rock Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49197
East Fork Sand Coulee Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51439
East Fork Spring Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 43949
East Fork Spring Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 45620
East Fork Stiner Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50527
East Fork Timber Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Fergus 0.0 49761
East Fork Woods Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 55233
East Powder Coulee 4 Marias Toole, Pondera 0.0 52823
East Skelly Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51831
Eastern Coulee 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 49948
Eckert Pond 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 141134
Eclipse Creek 4 Willow Toole 0.0 53743
Eclipse Gulch 4 Willow Toole 0.0 45676
Ed Mcintyre Reservoir 4 Marias Toole 0.0 40500
Edith Lake 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 40692
Edmister Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 51586
Edwards Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54342
Edwards Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48355
Eide Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 51330
Eightmile Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50063
Eightmile Coulee 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 51172
Eightmile Coulee 4 Marias Hill, Liberty 0.0 50797
Eightmile Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50817
Eightmile Springs Tunis 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 43556
Elbow Coulee 4 Sun Teton 0.0 51680
Elbow Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 44523
Elbow Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53979
Eldorado Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51274
Elizabeth Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 42537
Elk Creek 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 44470
Elk Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 49245
Elk Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 51282
Elk Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50539
Elk Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51339
Elk Creek 4 Smith Cascade, Meagher 0.0 52713
Elkhorn Cr, N Fk 4 Upper Missouri Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 52316
Elkhorn Creek 4 Upper Missouri Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 52666
Elks Country Club Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141080
Ellis Canyon 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51634
Ellis Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50316
Ellis Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 55025
Ellis Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 39855
Elmer Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52887
Emerald Lake 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 40900
Empire Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54794
Encampment Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 52738
Engellant Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50017
Erwin Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 51413
Ettien Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50241
Ettien Gulch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50191
Eureka Reservoir 4 Teton Teton 0.0 42514
Evans Pond 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 141104
Evers Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 44107
Eyraud Lake, upper 4 Teton Teton 0.0 40230
Eyraud Lakes 4 Teton Pondera 0.0 40499
Fahlgren Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50019
Fairgrounds Pond 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 42031
Fairview Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54411
Faith Gulch 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark 0.0 54687
Fall Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50772
Falls Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49609
Falls Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52247
Falls Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 54373
Falls Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52007
Fargo Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49547
Farmers Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52539
Farmers Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52453
Farmers Ditch 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54710
Farmers Reservoir 4 Teton Teton 0.0 42524
Favorite Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52859
Favot Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 53356
Fawn Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50109
Feldt Coulee 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 48730
Fernell Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 45663
Ferris Pond 4 Teton Teton 0.0 43305
Fey Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50905
Fey Lakes 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 41025
Field Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 55003
Fields Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52670
Fifteenmile Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52740
Finigan Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52386
Finn Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51378
Fir Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51040
Fish Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48651
Fish Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Teton 0.0 51493
Fish Dam Pond 4 Middle Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 40032
Fish Lake 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 42980
Fisher Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48821
Fisher Coulee 4, 6 Fort Peck Reservoir Phillips, Petroleum 0.0 49266
Fisher Coulee 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 51410
Fisher Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51315
Fitzpatrick Coulee FITZPATRICK COULEE 4 Upper Milk Toole, Glacier 0.0 51855
Fitzpatrick Lake 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 40639
Fitzpatrick Lake 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 39709
Fivemile Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52733
Fivemile Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49675
Fivemile Coulee 4 Middle Musselshell Fergus 0.0 48344
Fivemile Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51159
Fjeld Coulee 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 53090
Flagstaff Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50540
Flagstaff Reservoir 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 43477
Flanagan Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50935
Flat Coulee 4 Teton Pondera, Teton 0.0 45674
Flat Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 57517
Flat Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 53256
Flat Coulee 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 57536
Flat Coulee 4, 6 Marias Hill, Chouteau 0.0 51416
Flat Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50557
Flat Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 53412
Flat Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 45834
Flat Creek Pass Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 49325
Flat Top Reservoir 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 40715
Flatiron Creek 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 57561
Flattop Lake 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 42175
Flatwillow Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus, Garfield, Petroleum 0.0 44131
Flax Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 48641
Flood Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 50919
Floweree Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 43189
Fool Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 54940
Fool Hen Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54677
Ford Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51615
Ford Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53783
Ford Dam 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 40463
Fords Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 49087
Fords Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51957
Forest Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 51113
Forest Lake 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 43526
Forseth Pond 4 Sun Teton 0.0 141228
Fort Peck Lake 4, 6, 7 Fort Peck Reservoir, Lower Musselshell Fergus, Phillips, Valley, Mccone, Garfield, Petroleum 0.0 41986
Forty Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 46925
Fortymile Creek 1, 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 54560
Fortyone Mile Creek 1, 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 44930
Foster Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52969
Foster Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52686
Foster Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52278
Foucher Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51445
Four Horns Lake 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 42968
Fourmile Coulee 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 50380
Fourmile Coulee FOURMILE COULEE 4, 6 Sage Hill, Liberty 0.0 50374
Fourmile Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52831
Fourmile Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51182
Fourmile Creek 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 52754
Fourteen Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 52825
Fourteenmile Coulee 4, 6 Big Sandy Hill, Chouteau 0.0 49660
Fowler Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 57518
Fowler Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54695
Fowler Reservoir 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 42581
Fowler Reservoir 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 42598
Fox Coulee 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 45428
Fox Coulee 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 45427
Fox Coulee 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50243
Fox Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 45697
Fox Creek 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 53761
Francis Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 51986
Frank Gilbert Coulee 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 50790
Franks Creek 4 Upper Milk Liberty 0.0 50718
Frazer Dam 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 141078
Frazier Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 53091
Frazier Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 55041
Fred And George Creek 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 51006
Freeman Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51047
Freeze Out Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 49794
Freeze Out Creek 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 55234
Freezeout Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53816
Freezeout Lake 4 Sun Teton 0.0 42460
Freighters Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51590
French Coulee 4 Sun Teton 0.0 51662
French Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52195
French Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 52792
Frenchies Gulch 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50990
Friday Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52502
Fright Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52218
Fritzner Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49027
Fritzner Reservoir 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 141221
Furman Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54410
Gagnon Reservoir 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 43174
Galata Ravine 4 Willow Toole, Liberty 0.0 51033
Galena Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 50400
Galloway Creek 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Fergus, Wheatland 0.0 49703
Gamble Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52448
Game Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52156
Gansman Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52190
Garden Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51291
Gasvoda Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 18185340
Gates Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 55047
Gates Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 43056
Gehring Pond 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 40234
Geis Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51380
Gerard Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau, Judith Basin 0.0 50741
Geyser Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52830
Giant Springs Fishing Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 16399368
Giant Springs Solid Waste Lagoon 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 43935
Gibbs Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Garfield, Petroleum 0.0 48765
Gibson Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 51820
Gibson Reservoir 4 Sun Teton 0.0 41443
Giffen Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 50681
Gillam Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 53797
Gillespie Reservoir 4 Willow Toole 0.0 40640
Gillette Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51266
Gillis Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50737
Gilman Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 53124
Gipsy Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50728
Gipsy Lake 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 39796
Glade Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53944
Gladstone Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52277
Glen Marie Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52972
Glendora Lake 4 Teton Teton 0.0 42507
Glenn Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53297
Goat Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54360
Goblin Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50967
Goedertz Lake 4 Marias Toole 0.0 40408
Gold Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52292
Gold Run Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 50393
Gollaher Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 13017905
Gondeiro Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 141189
Goodman Coulee 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 45609
Goodman Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51778
Goodman Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52895
Goofy Gulch 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 44472
Goon Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 50636
Goose Bill Coulee 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 50692
Goose Lake 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 40771
Gordon Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 49276
Gordon Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 39853
Gorman Coulee 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 48178
Goss Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53255
Gottfried Pond 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 39837
Gould Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54779
Government Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 53385
Government Coulee 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 51158
Government Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 53407
Government Creek 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50869
Grace Lake 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 40697
Granite Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51276
Granite Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54508
Grass 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 41798
Grasshopper Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51349
Grassy Lake 4 Upper Milk Glacier 0.0 42502
Grassy Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 42993
Gravelly Range Lake 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 42521
Graveyard Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51174
Gray Creek 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 51673
Greasewood Creek 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 55010
Great Northern Reservoir 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 43233
Green Canyon 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50151
Green Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52029
Green Fork Straight Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 51490
Green Gulch 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54303
Green Lake 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 41449
Green Lake 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 141360
Green Pole Canyon 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49204
Green Timber Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54065
Green Timber Gulch 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54333
Green Timber Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40752
Greenhorn Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52211
Greenpole Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51844
Greens Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52759
Griffee Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49545
Grizzly Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 53786
Grizzly Gulch 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 52624
Grizzly Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52460
Grouse Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 53288
Grubb Gulch 3, 4 Upper Missouri Broadwater 0.0 52703
Guardipee Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 43096
Guidinger Pond 4 Arrow Fergus 0.0 141169
Hagers Coulee 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54440
Haines Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49111
Haley Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48301
Half Breed Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51908
Half Moon Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 49389
Halfmoon Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 55317
Hall Coulee 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 53767
Hall Creek 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 44976
Hall Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50388
Hall Pond 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 141103
Halzell Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 51085
Hamilton Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49598
Hamilton Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50359
Hamilton Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52170
Hanging Valley 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52587
Hankins Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 39832
Hannan Gulch 4 Sun Teton 0.0 54018
Hansen Coulee 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 50811
Hansen Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49232
Hansen Reservoir 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 43885
Hanson Coulee 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 53092
Hanson Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 49309
Hanson Reservoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 43184
Happy Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 53946
Hardgrove Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51262
Hardy Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52304
Harley Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50694
Harris Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 53128
Harris Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Chouteau 0.0 49928
Harrison Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50000
Hartle Reservoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 40273
Hartman Pond 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 141313
Harvey Lake 4 Teton Teton 0.0 42454
Harwood Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 43521
Hassler Pond 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 141126
Hassler Reservoir 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 39958
Hatch Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51905
Hatje Coulee 4, 6 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau, Blaine 0.0 49170
Hauck Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50588
Hauser Reservoir Hauser Lake 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 42551
Hay Canyon 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48640
Hay Canyon 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50128
Hay Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52555
Hay Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51617
Hay Coulee 4, 5 Flatwillow Fergus, Golden Valley 0.0 49425
Hay Coulee 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 52256
Hay Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50249
Hay Coulee 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 54521
Hay Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48180
Hay Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 45675
Hay Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 48129
Hay Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 51123
Hay Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 42506
Haynie Pond 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 62064867
Haystack Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 11408146
Haywood Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 53287
Hazard Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 43055
Headquarters Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 55044
Healy Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 52452
Heimbigner Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51967
Heiserman Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49847
Helena Industries Pond 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 141023
Helena Valley Regulating Reservoir HVRR 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 40445
Hell Creek 4 Judith Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 50942
Hellgate Gulch 3, 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark, Broadwater 0.0 52641
Hells Gulch 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 50642
Hendrickson Pond #1 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 43938
Hendrickson Pond #2 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 43937
Henn Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50841
Henry Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 51760
Henry Reservoir 4 Willow Toole 0.0 42884
Henry Reservoir 4 Willow Toole 0.0 74376536
Hensley Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50389
Hensley Pond 4 Sun Teton 0.0 141225
Hereford Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 45673
Hereim Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50580
Hermit Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40909
Heron Lake 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 42563
Hickory Coulee 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 53384
Hidden Lake 4 Teton Teton 0.0 40753
Hidden Lake 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 43529
Hidden Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 40841
Hidden Lake 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 40698
Hidden Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 41502
Hidden Valley 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 53315
Hideaway Coulee 4, 6 Fort Peck Reservoir Phillips 0.0 49544
High Spring Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50132
Highwood Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau, Judith Basin 0.0 50425
Hilger Coulee 4 Marias Toole, Pondera 0.0 53034
Hill Pond 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 39829
Hill Reservoir 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 39828
Hoadley Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54991
Hod Main Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 51271
Hoffman Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 53745
Hogan Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52283
Hogan Slough 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54127
Hoglund Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40741
Holden Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49599
Holgate Reservoir 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141135
Holiday Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51654
Holland Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 39993
Hollands Reservoir 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 141074
Hollandsworth Reservoir 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 43141
Holmes Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50742
Holt Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 48954
Holter Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51240
Holter Reservoir Holter Lake 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 40406
Home Gulch 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54222
Homestead Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49658
Honeywell Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141144
Hoodoo Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 55581
Hoover Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51167
Hopalong Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 39937
Hope Creek 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark 0.0 54778
Hope Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 42457
Hopkins Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50825
Hopkins Pond 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 141222
Horn Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50730
Horn Lake 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 43039
Horse Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50784
Horse Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51395
Horse Creek 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50913
Horse Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52931
Horse Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51803
Horse Lake 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 41851
Horseshoe Lake 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 42577
Horsethief Canyon 4, 5 Flatwillow Fergus, Golden Valley 0.0 49424
Horsethief Coulee 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48892
Hot Springs Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51923
Hound Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 50994
Hound Creek Reservoir 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 42535
Howard Coulee Howard Coulee Creek 4, 5 Middle Musselshell Musselshell, Petroleum 0.0 49311
Hower Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Chouteau 0.0 51354
Howes Lakes 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 42974
Howes Lakes 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 42977
Hoxsey Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 55012
Hoy Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54340
Hoy Gulch 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 51536
Huff Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52704
Hughes Coulee 4, 7 Lower Musselshell Garfield 0.0 48836
Hundred Dollar Bill Pond ; Mud Creek Reservoir 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 15350878
Hungry Man Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54998
Hunt Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52742
Hunters Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52383
Hunters Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52322
Huntley Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Chouteau 0.0 50472
Hussey Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51784
Hyde Creek 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 53230
Hyde Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 44100
Hyde Creek Trib RM 1.8 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 38808555
Hyde Creek Trib RM 2.2 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 38808662
Hyde Creek Trib RM 2.5 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 38808721
Hyde Creek Trib RM 2.9 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 38808706
Hyde Creek Trib RM 3.3 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 38808664
Hyde Creek Trib RM 4.1 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 38808712
Hyde Creek Trib RM 4.5 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 38808762
Hyde Creek Trib RM 5 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 38808760
Hyde Creek Trib RM 5.1 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 38808765
Hyde Creek Trib RM 5.1W 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 38808716
Hyde Creek Trib of Trib RM 4.1 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 38808748
Ice Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50688
Iliad Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 141270
Indian Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51135
Indian Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51916
Indian Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52582
Indian Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 45255
Indian Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 51880
Indian Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 45662
Indian Creek 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 49522
Indiana Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51295
Indiana Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50606
Iowa Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51724
Iron Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51199
Iron Gulch 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49205
Iron Gulch 2, 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark, Powell 0.0 54799
Iron Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52407
Iron Mines Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51970
Jack Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51357
Jackson Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49733
Jackson Coulee 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 49931
Jackson Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49823
Jackson Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 49270
Jackson Coulee 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 54228
Jackson Lake 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 43187
Jakes Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 43241
Jakie Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54247
James Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50733
Jeff Davis Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52166
Jefferson Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54281
Jefferson Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 50831
Jeffries Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52199
Jensen Coulee 4 Marias Pondera, Teton 0.0 54734
Jerusha Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54788
Jim Coulee 4, 5 Middle Musselshell Musselshell, Petroleum 0.0 48155
Johannson Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52567
Johns Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49643
Johns Coulee 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 45268
Johnson Coulee 4 Flatwillow Petroleum 0.0 49831
Johnson Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51851
Johnson Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 141132
Johnson Pond 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 141006
Joice Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50783
Jones Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 53954
Jones Creek 4, 5 Middle Musselshell Fergus, Musselshell 0.0 49627
Jones Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 51661
Jones Pond 4 Marias Teton 0.0 141347
Jordan Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 43626
Josephine Lake 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 40817
Joslin Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52299
Judith River 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 49585
Judy Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 54973
Jumping Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51181
Kachia Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 43848
Kade Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54545
Kaiser Ponds 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 39827
Kastner Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 49291
Kaufmans Reservoir 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 39944
Keaster Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51406
Keep Cool Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50609
Keep Cool Resevoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 40700
Keepout Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52324
Keith Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50963
Keller Creek 4 Upper Milk Liberty 0.0 50624
Kelley Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 49655
Kelly Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50193
Kelly Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 53363
Kelly Pond 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 141027
Kelly Reservoir 4 Teton Teton 0.0 43940
Kennedy Coulee KENNEDY COULEE 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 51495
Kennedy Creek 1, 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 54859
Kentucky Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51587
Kettle Hollow 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50621
Kicking Horse Creek 4 Willow Toole 0.0 53190
Kid Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54524
Killem Horse Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 55019
Killem Quick Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 45343
Kimble Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 39883
King Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 44098
King Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48607
King Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49645
King Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50482
Kings Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49531
Kings Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54544
Kingsberry Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52471
Kingsbury Lake 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 43568
Kingsbury Pond 4 Arrow Fergus 0.0 141184
Kinkelaar Pond 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 15353005
Kinley Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 53388
Kinnerely Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 53389
Kinney Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50734
Kinnick Coulee 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 49147
Kinreed Coulee 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 50436
Kinyon Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 51568
Kip Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 55301
Kipp Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 42989
Kipps Coulee 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 52177
Kirby Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50517
Kittson Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 53975
Kiyo Crag Lake 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 40850
Kizer Pond 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 141070
Kjar Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51032
Kleffner Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 141154
Kmart Ponds 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 67448827
Knapp Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51702
Knottnerus Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 39874
Knut Saure Lake 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141127
Knutson Reservoir 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 141075
Kolar Reservoir #3 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 141141
Kolar Reservoir #4 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 141136
Kolar Reservoir #5 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 141140
Kolar Reservoir #6 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 141139
Kolar Reservoir 1 Great Northern Reservoir 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 39891
Kolar Reservoir 2 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 39892
Kolar Reservoir 7 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 39889
Kolar Reservoir 8 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 39890
Kolsta Coulee 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 53081
Kolstad Coulee 4 Willow Liberty 0.0 50617
Komarek Dam 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 141254
Kosier Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 39658
Koski Pond 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 141125
Kovacich Pond 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 141076
Krafton Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 48151
Krone Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 42455
Kropp Coulee 4 Teton Pondera, Teton 0.0 52560
LaSalle Gulch 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark 0.0 54083
Lacey Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50937
Laird Creek 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 51554
Lake Baldy 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 40272
Lake Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51155
Lake Creek 1, 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54890
Lake Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 53818
Lake Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Chouteau, Teton 0.0 51597
Lake Elva 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 43747
Lake Frances 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 43449
Lake Francis Diversion 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54796
Lake Helena 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 40391
Lake Levale 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 41356
Lake Quiet 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40899
Lake Shel-oole 4 Marias Toole 0.0 43945
Lake Sutherlin Smith River Reservoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 43542
Lake Theboe 4 Teton Teton 0.0 39676
Lamb Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50800
Lambing Camp Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48879
Lambing Camp Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51584
Lames Pond 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 141199
Lander Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 141240
Lane Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 49299
Lange Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 52228
Lannigan Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52196
Lanning Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 141318
Largent Bend Pond # 1 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 15585966
Largent Bend Pond # 2 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 15556505
Largent Bend Pond # 3 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 15556520
Larson Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51245
Last Chance Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48650
Laughlin Coulee 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54191
Layton Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51202
Lazyman Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51854
Lead Gulch 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54280
Leavitt Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 55315
Lee Creek 1, 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 44875
Lee Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54051
Lees Lake 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 43547
Left Fork Big Log Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 53080
Left Hand Fork Cottonwood Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54732
Left Hand Fork Deadman Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54628
Left Hand Fork Dry Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54762
Leiberg Coulee 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50199
Lemline Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52411
Lemond Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 39895
Leningtons Reservoir 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 39834
Lenstra Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 52001
Lepley Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52377
Lepleys Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50124
Leppick Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141158
Letz Lake 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 42553
Levings Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51691
Lewis Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51789
Lewistown Radar Base Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 43918
Lick Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 55008
Lick Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 51494
Lick Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50473
Lily Coulee 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 51892
Lime Gulch 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54259
Limekiln Creek 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52734
Limestone Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 45315
Lincoln Gulch 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49288
Lincoln Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 43149
Lind Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 45671
Lindseth Pond 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 40747
Lion Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50490
Lion Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50179
Lion Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52358
Lipke Pond 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 141113
Little Badger Creek 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 54418
Little Battle Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50286
Little Bear Lake 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 43837
Little Belt Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51782
Little Birch Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51887
Little Birch Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49533
Little Bird Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 53164
Little Buffalo Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 42971
Little Camas Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50186
Little Careless Creek 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Fergus, Wheatland 0.0 49196
Little Casino Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48645
Little Cottonwood Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 49996
Little Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51756
Little Crooked Creek 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 48610
Little Deep Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54423
Little Deer Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49810
Little Dog Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 49242
Little Eagle Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50042
Little Flat Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 52325
Little Horse Creek 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51464
Little Mill Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54668
Little Moose Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51209
Little Muddy Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52719
Little Otter Creek 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 50802
Little Pishkun Pond 4 Sun Teton 0.0 40246
Little Porcupine Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51818
Little Prickly Pear Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 44954
Little Rock Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 55182
Little Rock Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 50069
Little Sage Creek 4, 6 Sage Hill, Liberty 0.0 50102
Little Sand Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49157
Little Sandy Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50332
Little Sheep Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51203
Little Sheep Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52976
Little Skunk Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52547
Little Stickney Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 53082
Little Sulfur Cr 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51432
Little Trout Creek 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 50074
Little Wall Creek 4, 5 Middle Musselshell Fergus, Musselshell, Petroleum 0.0 49296
Little Willow Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54354
Livermore Creek 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 54050
Loaf Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53823
Lobley Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51866
Loch Pond #1 4 Teton Teton 0.0 141293
Loch Pond #2 4 Teton Teton 0.0 141276
Loco Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50118
Log Gulch 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48861
Log Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52060
Log Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 57497
Log Gulch Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 42294312
Logging Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 52437
Lone Man Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 53416
Lone Pine Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49203
Lone Pine Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52259
Lone Tree Coulee 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 50378
Lone Tree Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 47244
Lone Tree Gulch 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48401
Lone Willow Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51220
Lonesome Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 53532
Lonesome Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51972
Lonesome Lake 4 Big Sandy Chouteau 0.0 40260
Lonetree Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50317
Long Canyon 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50195
Long Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48293
Long Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51614
Long Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 57531
Long Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52427
Long Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52447
Long Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50993
Long Lake 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 39707
Long Reservoir 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40744
Lookout Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54264
Lookout Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 45298
Loomis Coulee 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 51748
Lord Coulee 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51317
Lost Cabin Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54203
Lost Coulee 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 51607
Lost Creek 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 49920
Lost Fork 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50699
Lost Fork Ahorn Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 45259
Lost Horse Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50218
Lost Horse Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54715
Lost Horse Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 54967
Lost Lake 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 43471
Lost Shirt Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 53227
Lost Stove Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50961
Louse Creek 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 49600
Lower Chain Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 39678
Lower Eyraud Lake 4 Teton Teton 0.0 40229
Lower Frog Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 43884
Lower Hassler Reservoir 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141118
Lower Saint Mary Lake 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 41770
Lower St. Mary Lake Tributary 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 17298674
Lower St. Mary Lake Tributary 2 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 38808788
Lower Twin Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51950
Lowery Lake 4 Sun Teton 0.0 40233
Lubec Lake 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 40814
Lucy Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 14007593
Lukins Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 42519
Lund Pond 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 39831
Lynx Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 53820
Lyon Canyon 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48635
Lyons Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54487
Lyons Gulch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50523
M Ratzburg Reservoir 4 Marias Toole 0.0 42600
MDT Pond 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 67448829
Mac Coulee 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 50435
Mac Coulee 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 51930
Mackay Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 14009247
Madman Coulee 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 44920
Magee Lake 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 42933
Maginnis Creek 4 Middle Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48774
Magpie Creek 3, 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark, Broadwater 0.0 53126
Maiden Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48368
Main Fork Little Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51688
Maloney Coulee 4 Sun Teton 0.0 54134
Mann Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52672
Mann Reservoir 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 141217
Mansfield Coulee 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 52393
Mansfield Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50211
Manton Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51971
Manuel Reservoir #2 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 43939
Manuel Reservoir 1 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 39974
Marcott Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49811
Marias River 4 Marias Hill, Chouteau, Toole, Pondera, Glacier, Liberty 0.0 50545
Marion Coulee 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 51792
Market Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52347
Marsh Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 45656
Marsh Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52500
Martin Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49982
Martin Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau, Judith Basin 0.0 50577
Martin Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 40470
Martinsdale Outlet 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Wheatland 0.0 49713
Martinsdale Reservoir 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 43859
Maruska Pond 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 141161
Mass Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50795
Massey Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 53561
Maucki Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 44999
Maurer Pond 4 Sun Teton 0.0 141264
Maybee Pond 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 141245
Maynard Coulee 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 49382
Mayns Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51198
Mc Carters Lake 4 Willow Toole 0.0 42633
McCarthy Creek Rr Pond 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 141121
McCarthy Lake 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 39894
McGuire Gulch 2, 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark, Powell 0.0 54755
McGuire Reservoir 1 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 39845
McGuire Reservoir 2 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 39846
McKenna Reservoir 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 141093
Mccartney Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 49350
Mccarty Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50544
Mcclure Gulch 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49159
Mcdonald Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 54970
Mcdonald Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54094
Mcdonald Creek 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 52824
Mcdonald Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 49315
Mcgee Coulee 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 51154
Mcguire Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52326
Mcintyre Reservoir 4 Willow Toole 0.0 40647
Mckay Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50405
Mckay Spring Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 57287
Mclean Reservoir 4 Marias Toole 0.0 42465
Mcleod Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52087
Mcquithy Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54615
Mctosh Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51886
Mead Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 53042
Meadow Creek 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 50410
Meadow Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49164
Meadow Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50387
Meadow Creek 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 48932
Meadow Creek 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark 0.0 54090
Meadow Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50163
Meadow Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40243
Meagher Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52025
Medicine Rock Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54489
Melcott Reservoir 4 Willow Toole 0.0 42544
Melton Coulee 4 Arrow Fergus 0.0 50559
Meridith Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 40244
Meriwether Canyon 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52819
Mettler Coulee 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 55220
Meyer Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 42515
Middle Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Chouteau 0.0 50845
Middle Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51920
Middle Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51582
Middle Creek 4 Smith Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 52708
Middle Creek Lake 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 42533
Middle Fork Armells Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49422
Middle Fork Bear Gulch 4 Smith Cascade, Meagher 0.0 51128
Middle Fork Beaver Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54806
Middle Fork Beaver Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49160
Middle Fork Big Camas Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51625
Middle Fork Big Spring Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49807
Middle Fork Birch Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 53301
Middle Fork Calf Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51961
Middle Fork Camp Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52237
Middle Fork Cottonwood Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50122
Middle Fork Dearborn River 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51848
Middle Fork Dry Fork Marias River 4 Marias Pondera, Teton 0.0 54095
Middle Fork Dupuyer Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 54244
Middle Fork Falls Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 53803
Middle Fork Greasewood Creek 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 55123
Middle Fork Judith River JUDITH R, M FK 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49637
Middle Fork Lee Creek 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 55368
Middle Fork Little Belt Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 50861
Middle Fork Little Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51696
Middle Fork Milk River MILK R, M FK 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 45350
Middle Fork North Fork Teton River 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54176
Middle Fork Rickard Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50107
Middle Fork Salt Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49766
Middle Fork Sand Coulee Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51434
Middle Hassler Reservoir 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141120
Middle Lake 4 Teton Teton 0.0 42493
Middle Willow Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Chouteau 0.0 51791
Midvale Creek 1, 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 55242
Milk River Lower Milk River, Upper Milk River, Middle Milk River 4, 6 Lower Milk, Middle Milk, Milk Headwaters, Upper Milk Phillips, Hill, Valley, Blaine, Glacier 0.0 46531
Milky Stream 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54479
Mill Coulee 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 52716
Mill Coulee Creek 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 52642
Mill Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 50314
Mill Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 51418
Mill Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51358
Millar Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 52458
Miller Coulee 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54731
Miller Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 49484
Miller Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52545
Miller Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 52169
Miller Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54189
Miller Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50731
Mills Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 44097
Miners Coulee 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 51007
Miners Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52834
Miners Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54942
Miners Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50768
Miners Fork 4 Sun Teton 0.0 51491
Miners Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52203
Ming Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 50068
Ming Coulee 4 Smith Cascade, Meagher 0.0 45607
Mining Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51185
Minnehaha Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51826
Minnesota Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52893
Minnie White Horse Lake 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 41344
Mission Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52801
Mission Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 39689
Missouri Breaks Pond 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 12139907
Missouri Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50223
Missouri Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52035
Missouri River 3, 4, 6 Bullwhacker - Dog, Charlie - Little Muddy, Fort Peck Reservoir, Prairie Elk - Wolf, Upper Missouri, Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Lewis & Clark, Gallatin, Fergus, Phillips, Roosevelt, Chouteau, Valley, Blaine, Richland, Mccone, Broadwater, Garfield, Petroleum 0.0 45251
Mitchell Canyon 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48946
Mitchell Gulch 3, 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark, Jefferson 0.0 52352
Mitten Lake 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 41458
Mizpah Cr 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51372
Moccasin Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49217
Monarch Canyon 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50785
Mongar Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51457
Monitor Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51270
Moonshine Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51328
Moore Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52519
Moors Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52940
Moose Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50256
Moose Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51868
Moose Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51816
Moose Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53303
Moose Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51777
Moran Coulee 4 Willow Toole, Liberty 0.0 51058
Morning Eagle Lake 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 41844
Morony Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 16631936
Morris Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50125
Morris Reservoir 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 40644
Morris Reservoir 4 Willow Toole 0.0 40654
Morrisy Coulee 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Wheatland, Meagher 0.0 50330
Mortimer Gulch 4 Sun Teton 0.0 54811
Mossey Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49495
Moudess Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54265
Mowing Machine Coulee 4 Smith Cascade, Meagher 0.0 53392
Mud Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50752
Mud Creek 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 50084
Mud Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50881
Mud Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51073
Mud Lake 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 42483
Mud Spring Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50454
Mud Spring Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50264
Mud Springs Creek 4 Middle Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 44137
Muddy Creek 4 Teton Pondera, Teton 0.0 52384
Muddy Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 47241
Muddy Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50123
Muddy Creek 4 Sun Cascade, Teton 0.0 52770
Mule Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54527
Mule Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51294
Mullens Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51003
Mullery Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 52835
Murphy Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48356
Murphy Coulee 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 45293
Murphy Coulee 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 50995
Murphy Coulee 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54672
Murray Pond 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 141212
Muskrat Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 55170
Muskrat Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49796
Musselman Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49125
Musselshell River 4, 5 Fort Peck Reservoir, Lower Musselshell, Middle Musselshell, Upper Musselshell Phillips, Musselshell, Rosebud, Wheatland, Garfield, Golden Valley, Petroleum 0.0 44124
Mutton Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 44104
My Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 55028
My Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40863
Myles Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51722
Myllymaki Reservoir 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 141150
Myrvold Reservoir 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 42211
N Fk Lick Creek Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40197
Nagengast Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 39887
Nance Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50011
Nanny Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54522
Nasen Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51969
Nebel Coulee 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 50383
Neil Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51779
Nelson Coulee 4, 7 Lower Musselshell Garfield 0.0 48299
Nelson Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54470
Nelson Gulch 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark 0.0 54786
Nepil Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 39864
Nesbit Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 54409
Nett Reservoir 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40245
Nevada Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 49670
Never Sweat Coulee 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 51180
New Year Gulch 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49824
Newlan Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 57529
Newlan Reservoir Newlan Creek Reservoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 43501
Nickerson Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50744
Niel Creek 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Fergus, Wheatland 0.0 49682
Nightshoot Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 55001
Nilan Reservoir 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 43030
Ninemile Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50407
Ninemile Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52767
Nineteen Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54936
Nistler Pond #1 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 76425022
No Business Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54220
No Chief Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 40195
No Grass Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54929
No Name Canyon 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49344
No Name Gulch 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 52625
No Name Gulch 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 51451
Normans Reservoir 1 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 40479
Normans Reservoir 2 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 40478
North Badger Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 44506
North Branch Knapp Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52368
North Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52176
North Creek 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 51012
North Fork Bear Gulch 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 50608
North Fork Beaver Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53966
North Fork Beaver Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52608
North Fork Birch Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54361
North Fork Bonanza Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 49914
North Fork Bull Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48679
North Fork Carpenter Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 14011821
North Fork Cooks Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50894
North Fork Courtneys Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50305
North Fork Cut Bank Creek 1, 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 55166
North Fork Cutbank Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 49383
North Fork Deadman Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50360
North Fork Deep Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54393
North Fork Deep Creek 4 Smith Cascade, Meagher 0.0 51475
North Fork Dry Fork Marias River 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 51281
North Fork Dugout Coulee 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 51350
North Fork Dunkirk Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52578
North Fork Dupuyer Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 55337
North Fork Eagle Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51359
North Fork Eightmile Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51370
North Fork Elk Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51063
North Fork Elk Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 49082
North Fork Farmers Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52145
North Fork Fir Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51041
North Fork Flatwillow Creek FLATWILLOW CR, N FK 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 48988
North Fork Ford Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54206
North Fork Freeman Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 45666
North Fork Glenn Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 55014
North Fork Greasewood Creek 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54292
North Fork Green Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54773
North Fork Highwood Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51669
North Fork Hoover Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50805
North Fork Lick Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 45431
North Fork Little Badger Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 45337
North Fork Little Belt Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Chouteau 0.0 50408
North Fork Little Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51689
North Fork Little Prickly Pear Cr 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54684
North Fork Marsh Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54717
North Fork Mcdonald Creek MCDONALD CR, N FK 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 49085
North Fork Milk River 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 45429
North Fork Musselshell River 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Wheatland, Meagher 0.0 50197
North Fork Ophir Creek 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark 0.0 52235
North Fork Pole Creek 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Fergus, Golden Valley 0.0 48871
North Fork Rickard Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50114
North Fork Rock Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 57572
North Fork Running Wolf Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50155
North Fork Sage Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50296
North Fork Sheep Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54282
North Fork Sheep Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52353
North Fork Simms Creek 4 Sun Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 52520
North Fork Smith River SMITH R, N FK 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51711
North Fork Stickney Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 52692
North Fork Sun River SUN R, N FK 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 53931
North Fork Surprise Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50190
North Fork Taffy Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 49376
North Fork Teton River TETON R, N FK 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54384
North Fork Warm Spring Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49338
North Fork Whetstone Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 47238
North Fork Whitetail Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 52223
North Fork Willow Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49731
North Fork Willow Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 52295
North Fork Willow Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52244
North Fork Willow Creek Pond 4 Teton Teton 0.0 43923
North Fork Woods Gulch Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50883
North Fork Yellow Water Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 49097
North Gap Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50406
North Horsethief Canyon 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 49440
North Jefferson Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54477
North Maginnis Creek 4 Middle Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48731
North Willow Creek 4, 5 Middle Musselshell Musselshell, Petroleum 0.0 48841
North Willow Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Chouteau 0.0 50732
Norwegian Gulch 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 54012
Novak Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 53078
Nugget Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50840
Number Five Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51467
Nunemaker Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 51977
O'Haire Reservoir 4 Willow Toole 0.0 141435
O'brien Coulee 4, 6 Sage Hill, Liberty 0.0 50749
O'brien Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50803
O'hanlon Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 49949
O'laughlin Coulee 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 52892
O'neil Coulee 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 53084
Odden Pond #1 4 Teton Teton 0.0 141280
Odden Pond #2 4 Teton Teton 0.0 141279
Ogilvie Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54744
Ohio Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51573
Old Channel Middle Fork Milk Rive 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 45365
Old Geyser Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 51446
Old Maids Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54121
Ole Coulee 4 Arrow Fergus, Chouteau, Judith Basin 0.0 50270
Oliver Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 52797
Olney Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 53922
Olsen Creek 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 50138
Olsen Pond 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 43883
Olson Pond 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 141246
Olson Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 141337
Olson Reservoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 140962
One Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51050
Onion Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 52788
Onstad Pond 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 141307
Onstadt Res 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 39857
Open Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 54939
Ophir Creek 2, 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark, Powell 0.0 53257
Orcutt Gulch 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50006
Oregon Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52938
Orofino Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52404
Orr Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51785
Ostle Reservoir Antelope Butte Reservoir 4 Teton Teton 0.0 42801
Otatso Creek 1, 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 44554
Oti Park Cr 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 51672
Our Lake 4 Teton Teton 0.0 42978
Our Lake Outlet 4 Teton Teton 0.0 55320
Ovens Reservoir 4 Marias Toole 0.0 42547
Owl Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 45596
Ox Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 50082
Pacer Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 50553
Packsaddle Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51429
Page Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54631
Pagil Gulch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49630
Paine Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51616
Palisade Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50828
Pamburn Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 51997
Panton Coulee Reservoir Englandt Reservoir, Phantom Coulee Reservoir 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 42298
Pardais Coulee 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51575
Park Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54469
Park Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 57560
Parr Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48916
Parsell Pond 4 Upper Milk Liberty 0.0 141436
Parsell Pond 4 Upper Milk Liberty 0.0 74400826
Parson Dam 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 141138
Pass Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54204
Passage Pond 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 39841
Pasture Gulch 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 43952
Patrick Lake 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 40751
Paul Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 57491
Pauls Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40740
Payola Reservoir 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 42865
Pear Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54332
Pearson Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 52854
Pearsons Coulee 4 Upper Milk Glacier 0.0 52153
Pecks Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 39924
Pegar Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 141320
Pelican Point #1 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 43909
Pelican Point Pond #2 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 43746672
Perkins Lake 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 42536
Perkins Pond 4 Teton Teton 0.0 31851847
Peterson Coulee 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 50799
Peterson Coulee 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 44527
Peterson Gulch 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 49934
Peterson Pond 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 39967
Peterson Reservoir 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 42820
Petrolia Reservoir 4 Flatwillow Petroleum 0.0 42858
Petty Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 51946
Phantom Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50267
Phillipine Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50911
Phillips Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48566
Phillips Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Teton 0.0 53821
Phone Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 53810
Pickerd Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 49265
Pickfoot Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50648
Picnic Canyon 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50735
Piegan Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54663
Pigtail Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49608
Pike Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51708
Pike Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 48122
Pike Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48681
Pike Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 45185
Pike Lake 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 42176
Pikes Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52503
Pilgrim Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51788
Pilot Rock Res 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 141315
Pinchout Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51307
Pine Coulee 4 Smith Cascade, Meagher 0.0 52766
Pine Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50952
Pine Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54071
Pings Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54334
Pinto Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 53294
Pipes Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 48078
Pishkun Canal 4 Sun Teton 0.0 54243
Pishkun Reservoir 4 Sun Teton 0.0 43558
Pistol Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51618
Placer Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50520
Placer Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50420
Plante Coulee, La 4 Willow Toole 0.0 51053
Plum Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49702
Pocket Creek 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 33615368
Pohlod Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50500
Pole Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 53120
Pole Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50438
Pole Gulch 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51527
Police Coulee 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 52610
Police Creek 4 Upper Milk Liberty 0.0 51505
Pollack Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 141092
Polleri Reservoir 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 141145
Pond 1 3, 4 Upper Missouri Broadwater 0.0 49721889
Pond 2 4 Upper Missouri Broadwater 0.0 49721886
Pond 3 4 Upper Missouri Broadwater 0.0 49721887
Pond 4 3, 4 Upper Missouri Broadwater 0.0 49721888
Pond Number One 4 Teton Teton 0.0 42462
Pond Number Three 4 Teton Teton 0.0 42459
Pond Number Two 4 Teton Teton 0.0 42029
Pondera Coulee 4 Teton Pondera 0.0 52678
Pondera Coulee 4 Marias Chouteau, Pondera, Teton, Liberty 0.0 50890
Pool Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 55703
Porcupine Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 54199
Porcupine Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52646
Porcupine Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 53981
Porcupine Gulch 4 Upper Musselshell Fergus 0.0 49175
Portage Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Chouteau 0.0 50872
Possum Run Creek 4 Arrow Fergus 0.0 49930
Post Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 53827
Post Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50704
Postill Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50005
Pothole Lakes 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 141373
Potshot Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 53551
Potter Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 52543
Potter Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 48387
Potter Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51197
Potter Reservoir 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 39868
Potts Reservoir 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 43178
Poverty Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51928
Pow Wow Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 43910
Powder Coulee 4 Marias Toole, Pondera 0.0 52654
Powell Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54210
Power Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51642
Powers Creek 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52707
Prairie Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51964
Prairie Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 55026
Prevo Coulee 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 53073
Prewett Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 53066
Price Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 50999
Prices Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52371
Prichard Creek 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 45660
Prickly Pear Creek 3, 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark, Jefferson 0.0 52856
Priest Butte Lake 4 Teton Teton 0.0 42478
Private Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 14009257
Pruden Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52141
Pugsley Reservoir 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 43182
Punch Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 54975
Pw Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49530
Pyramid Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49340
Quigley Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54792
Rabbit Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51902
Racehorse Coulee 4 Flatwillow Petroleum 0.0 47587
Rafferty Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51178
Railroad Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 52506
Railroad Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52960
Railroad Creek 1, 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 55267
Railroad Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 40196
Rainbow Dam Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 16347638
Ranch Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51153
Randall Pond 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 40472
Rankin Pond 4 Willow Toole 0.0 40217
Rasmussen Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 48632
Rat Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau, Judith Basin 0.0 50486
Rattler Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50810
Rattlesnake Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50322
Rattlesnake Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51235
Rattlesnake Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52099
Raundal Coulee 4, 7 Lower Musselshell Garfield, Petroleum 0.0 48291
Rawhide Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51231
Ray Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 55033
Ray Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50767
Red Bluff Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 48933
Red Butte Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 52626
Red Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51926
Red Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54174
Red Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 42967
Red Poacher Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54637
Red River RED R 4 Upper Milk Toole, Glacier 0.0 51678
Red Shale Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 55009
Red Shed Lake 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 42338
Reed Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49546
Reef Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 45322
Reese Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51179
Reickoff Lakes 4 Teton Teton 0.0 42509
Reinig Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 40236
Renshaw Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53542
Renshaw Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 42979
Republican Gulch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 47245
Reservoir Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 52680
Reynolds Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50834
Reynolds Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51387
Rhoda Lake 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 43270
Rhue Creek 4, 6 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau, Blaine 0.0 49693
Ribbon Gulch 4 Upper Milk Liberty 0.0 51292
Rice Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 43550
Richardson Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 57523
Richardson Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 54347
Richardson Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50812
Richland Reservoir 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 141268
Rickard Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50748
Rideout Reservoir 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 141366
Ridley Coulee 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 50796
Rierdon Gulch 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54023
Right Hand Fork Dry Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54761
Right Hand Fork Lost Horse Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54782
Rindel Pond 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 141152
Ringwald Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 54549
Rinker Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 53275
Rittle Ponds 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 141095
Rival Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 55331
Riverdale Gravel Pit 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 141155
Roach Gulch 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49143
Roberts Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52073
Roberts Creek 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 44557
Robertson Spring 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 43515
Robinson Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 51409
Rock Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49490
Rock Creek 4, 6 Fort Peck Reservoir Phillips 0.0 48623
Rock Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 45001
Rock Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 55051
Rock Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51099
Rock Springs Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51907
Rocker Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 45672
Rocking Chair Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51640
Rocky Coulee 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51801
Rocky Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 52783
Rocky Gap Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51699
Rocky Gulch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49665
Rocky Hollow 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51627
Rocky Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 43576
Rocky Reef Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 42546
Rocky Ridge Coulee 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 45266
Rocky Ridge Coulee 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 51838
Rocky Springs Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 45013
Rocky Stream 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 53755
Roe River 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 42305687
Rogers Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50916
Rogers Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54462
Romain Reservoir 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 43485
Rooster Bill Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 55154
Rose Canyon 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48379
Rose Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 48666
Rose Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54435
Rose Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 51115
Rose Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52461
Ross Fork Creek 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 48965
Rostad Reservoir 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 41570
Roudebush Pond 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 141278
Round Lake 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 41437
Roundup Coulee 4 Sun Teton 0.0 52425
Route Creek 4 Sun Teton 0.0 55578
Routt Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51819
Rowe Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 43953
Rowe Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 44936
Rubison Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 45653
Ruby Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 45280
Ruby Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50693
Ruby Gulch 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49815
Rugby Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51352
Rung Reservoir 4 Upper Musselshell Fergus 0.0 40476
Runner Gulch 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 53521
Running Wolf Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49666
Russell Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 52077
Russian Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50575
Russian Trib 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 45039
Ryan Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 50429
Ryan Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 16631934
Ryan Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 16631935
Rye Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 45655
Rye Coulee 4 Teton Chouteau, Teton 0.0 51567
Ryfell Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 39833
S Sage Cr 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50079
S-t Canal 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52160
SSS Pond 4 x 0.0 62827211
Saager Canyon 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49993
Sacagawea River 4, 6 Fort Peck Reservoir, Lower Musselshell Fergus, Garfield, Petroleum 0.0 44987
Sag, The 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50288
Sage Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50035
Sage Creek 4, 6 Sage Hill, Liberty 0.0 49896
Sage Creek 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 49489
Sage Creek 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 48117
Sagebrush Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50904
Saint Johns Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 53068
Saint Louis Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52212
Saint Mary Canal 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 56979
Saint Mary River 1, 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 55742
Salt Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49678
Salt Sage Coulee 4 Middle Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48775
Sam Ross Coulee 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 45652
Sand Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51462
Sand Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 52522
Sand Coulee Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51075
Sand Creek 4, 6 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau, Blaine 0.0 49697
Sand Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus, Phillips 0.0 49101
Sand Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 43475
Sand Rock Coulee 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 54070
Sandage Coulee 4, 7 Lower Musselshell Garfield 0.0 48297
Sandeno Reservoir 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 39885
Sandpoint Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50120
Sandstone Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50562
Sandstrom Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49098
Savory Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 141215
Sawmill Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48422
Sawmill Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 51347
Sawmill Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 51874
Sawmill Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 52045
Sawmill Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 45410
Sawmill Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53787
Sawmill Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50844
Sawmill Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 53360
Sawmill Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52031
Sawmill Gulch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50760
Sawmill Gulch 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark 0.0 54793
Sawmill Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50424
Sawmill Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 45005
Sawmill Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51824
Schlack Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 39886
Schmitt Reservoir 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 141179
Schoneke Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 48630
School Coulee 4 Sun Teton 0.0 51698
School Section Coulee 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 52546
School Section Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 53387
Schoonover Reservoir 1 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 39897
Schoonover Reservoir 2 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 39893
Schrammeck Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 42587
Schultz Creek 4 Marias Toole, Pondera 0.0 52059
Schulze Reservoir 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 39950
Scoffin Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Teton 0.0 54350
Scotch Coulee 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 51648
Scotchman Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 50061
Scott Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 42510
Sears Coulee 4 Upper Milk Toole, Liberty 0.0 51106
Sears Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52034
Seifort Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 40663
Senef Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141164
Setter Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 46926
Seven-up Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 54961
Sevenmile Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 51280
Sevenmile Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52415
Seventy Nine Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 44099
Shale Coulee 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 48165
Shannon Creek SHANNON CR 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50546
Shannon Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 52174
Sharp Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 43051
Shaw Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Chouteau 0.0 50808
Shaw Reservoir 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 141251
Shay Reservoir 4 Willow Toole 0.0 41024
Shed Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 43947
Shed Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54442
Shed Dam Pond 4 Middle Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 141044
Sheep Coulee 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 50830
Sheep Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49782
Sheep Coulee 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 51624
Sheep Cr 4 Willow Toole 0.0 50507
Sheep Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50675
Sheep Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51323
Sheep Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51762
Sheep Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52311
Sheep Creek 4 Willow Toole 0.0 53408
Sheep Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52051
Sheep Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Teton 0.0 52297
Sheep Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52379
Sheep Gulch 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54004
Sheep Shed Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49969
Shelby Kids Pond 4 Willow Toole 0.0 43251
Shellrock Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 57526
Shepard Cr 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51196
Sheriff Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 53358
Sherry Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49954
Shonkin Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51876
Shonkin Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 43262
Short Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51644
Short Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53947
Shortland Reservoir 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 40224
Shorty Creek SHORTY CR 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50815
Shoulder Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51870
Sidney Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 55219
Sieben Reservoir 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 141060
Sig Larson Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 48676
Silvan Pond 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 39867
Silver Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52512
Silver Gulch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50981
Silver Lake 4 Upper Milk Liberty 0.0 43545
Silverman Springs Coulee 4 Sun Teton 0.0 52150
Simminook Creek 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 51558
Simmons Coulee 4 Upper Milk Liberty 0.0 51092
Simmons Creek 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52762
Simms Creek 4 Sun Cascade, Teton 0.0 52513
Simpson Spring Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 23243836
Sink Hole Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40247
Siparyann Creek 4, 6 Fort Peck Reservoir Phillips 0.0 49112
Siroky Pond 1 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 39954
Siroky Pond 2 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 39953
Sitzer Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52967
Sixmile Coulee 4 Big Sandy Chouteau 0.0 50240
Sixmile Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51249
Sixmile Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50780
Sixmile Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54348
Skelly Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52210
Skiddoo Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51572
Skinnner Reservoir Skinner Pond 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 41862999
Skull Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50289
Skull Gulch 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 53271
Skunk Gulch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 43950
Slaughter House Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50481
Slaughter Pen Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51651
Sleeper Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 51045
Slew Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 52423
Slide Coulee 4 Arrow Fergus, Chouteau 0.0 49481
Slide Out Coulee 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 51377
Slim Gulch 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54675
Slim Jim Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50711
Slip Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52319
Slippery Hoof Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 45335
Slippery Hoof Lake 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 41340
Slivka Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 141237
Slivka Reservoir #2 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 13078090
Sloan Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 43148
Slough Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51069
Small Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54944
Small Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 141253
Smart Fork 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51473
Smith Coulee 4, 7 Lower Musselshell Garfield 0.0 48300
Smith Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50979
Smith Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50754
Smith Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 50080
Smith Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51671
Smith Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54646
Smith Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52802
Smith Fork 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51144
Smith Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52162
Smith Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 43587
Smith River 4 Smith Cascade, Meagher 0.0 53747
Smoke-in-hole Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50365
Snake Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 52157
Snake Creek 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 53191
Snaps Pond #1 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141133
Snoose Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 57539
Snoose Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 49089
Snow Coulee 4 Willow Toole, Liberty 0.0 51079
Snow Cr 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50983
Snow Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50807
Snow Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50985
Snow Saucer Coulee 4 Upper Musselshell Fergus 0.0 48692
Snowshoe Creek 2, 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark, Powell 0.0 54357
Snowy Owl Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 39988
Soap Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54193
Soap Creek Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 42516
Sober Up Coulee 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 52300
Sock Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 41353
Soda Creek 4, 6 Fort Peck Reservoir Petroleum 0.0 45050
Soda Spring Coulee 4 Arrow Fergus 0.0 50027
Soldier Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 53698
Soldiers Lake 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 43513
Soup Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52317
Sourdough Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50533
Sourdough Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50370
Sourdough Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48408
South Badger Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 44505
South Fork Bear Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 48554
South Fork Bear Creek fork 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 45076
South Fork Birch Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Teton 0.0 54362
South Fork Blacktail Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54369
South Fork Blacktail Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 51531
South Fork Blood Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 43882
South Fork Bonanza Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 49913
South Fork Burnette Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48603
South Fork Chippewa Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48908
South Fork Cooks Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50882
South Fork Cottonwood Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49351
South Fork Courtneys Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50819
South Fork Cut Bank Creek 1, 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 55165
South Fork Cutbank Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 49904
South Fork Deadman Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50361
South Fork Dearborn River 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52983
South Fork Deep Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54394
South Fork Deep Creek 4 Smith Cascade, Meagher 0.0 51476
South Fork Dry Blood Creek 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48149
South Fork Dry Fork Marias River 4 Marias Pondera, Teton 0.0 54096
South Fork Dupuyer Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 54241
South Fork Eightmile Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51369
South Fork Flatwillow Creek FLATWILLOW CR, S FK 4, 5 Flatwillow Fergus, Golden Valley 0.0 48402
South Fork Freeman Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 45667
South Fork Glenn Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 55013
South Fork Greasewood Creek 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54446
South Fork Hoover Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50804
South Fork Judith River JUDITH R, S FK 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49638
South Fork Lick Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 45430
South Fork Little Badger Creek 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 45336
South Fork Little Belt Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 50355
South Fork Little Prickly Pear Cr 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54685
South Fork Little Rock Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54614
South Fork Lost Fork Judith River 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50550
South Fork Lyons Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52194
South Fork Mcdonald Creek MCDONALD CR, S FK 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 49086
South Fork Milk River MILK R, S FK 1, 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 45413
South Fork Milk River Tributary RM 32.7 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 48597789
South Fork Musselshell River 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Wheatland, Meagher 0.0 50198
South Fork Open Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 45422
South Fork Red Shale Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 44944
South Fork Rickard Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50108
South Fork Running Wolf Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50156
South Fork Sheep Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52354
South Fork Simms Creek 4 Sun Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 52521
South Fork Smith River SMITH R, S FK 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51712
South Fork South Fork Teton River 4 Teton Teton 0.0 55336
South Fork Stickney Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 52691
South Fork Sun River SUN R, S FK 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53930
South Fork Tenderfoot Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51460
South Fork Teton River TETON R, S FK 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54383
South Fork Two Calf Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48981
South Fork Two Medicine River 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 45312
South Fork Whetstone Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 47237
South Fork Whitetail Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 52224
South Fork Willow Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52245
South Fork Willow Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51145
South Fork Woods Gulch Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50884
South Gap Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51381
South Jefferson Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54476
South Pondera Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 53193
Spanish Coulee 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 45613
Specimen Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54671
Spencer Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 45670
Spider Lake 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 40772
Splain Coulee 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51049
Split Rock Lake 4 Sun Teton 0.0 43585
Spokane Creek 3, 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark, Broadwater, Jefferson 0.0 52303
Sprague Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 57525
Spring Branch 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48671
Spring Branch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50340
Spring Branch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50271
Spring Branch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50350
Spring Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 50775
Spring Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50379
Spring Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50439
Spring Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 45002
Spring Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49882
Spring Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 50639
Spring Coulee 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 44479
Spring Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50542
Spring Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54120
Spring Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54490
Spring Coulee SPRING COULEE 4 Sun Teton 0.0 52482
Spring Coulee 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51596
Spring Coulee 4 Arrow Fergus 0.0 49482
Spring Coulee 4 Marias Toole, Glacier 0.0 52459
Spring Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54498
Spring Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51563
Spring Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50655
Spring Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49726
Spring Creek 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 55274
Spring Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50255
Spring Creek 4 Marias Pondera, Teton 0.0 52017
Spring Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 52768
Spring Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 52885
Spring Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52131
Spring Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51965
Spring Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 51353
Spring Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50170
Spring Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51425
Spring Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50300
Spring Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51320
Spring Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 51263
Spring Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51247
Spring Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51852
Spring Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 51112
Spring Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49775
Spring Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50354
Spring Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus 0.0 49575
Spring Creek 4, 5 Middle Musselshell Fergus, Musselshell 0.0 48406
Spring Creek 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 52553
Spring Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50738
Spring Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 51124
Spring Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50702
Spring Creek Reservoir 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 42530
Spring Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51686
Spring Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52118
Spring Gulch 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 43954
Spring Gulch 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51255
Spring Gulch 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark 0.0 54723
Spring Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52970
Spring Meadow Lake 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 43313
Spring Willow Coulee 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 51333
Spruce Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50399
Squaw Coulee 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 49450
Squaw Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 51119
Squaw Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 52749
Squaw Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50972
Squaw Creek 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 53509
Squaw Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 45537
Stafford Dam 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 40474
Stafford Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 43161
Stansfield Lake 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 141018
Star Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54353
Steedling Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 57559
Steele Lake Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 49474
Steep Coulee 4 Willow Toole, Liberty 0.0 51095
Steep Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 45419
Steil Pond 4 Teton Teton 0.0 141301
Stellner Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 52438
Stemple Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54722
Stephens Pond 4 Teton Teton 0.0 141296
Stephens Pond #1 4 Teton Teton 0.0 141292
Stephens Pond #2 4 Teton Teton 0.0 141286
Stetler Lakes 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 42501
Stewart Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51894
Stewart Pond #2 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 141349
Stewart Pond 1 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 39844
Stickney Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 57494
Stiner Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50534
Stohr Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50491
Stoner Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51403
Stormwind Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 39983
Stovepipe Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54536
Stoyanoff Reservoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 40270
Straight Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53829
Stratton Creek 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 50878
Strauf Pond 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 141122
Strawberry Creek 4 Willow Toole, Liberty 0.0 51581
Strawberry Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51337
Stringer Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51207
Strode Coulee 4, 6 Sage Hill, Liberty 0.0 51344
Studhorse Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50814
Stump Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 53026
Styer Pond 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 39939
Styer Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 39943
Sullivan Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 45006
Sulphur Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 53295
Summers Reservoir 4 Willow Toole 0.0 42550
Summit Creek 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 54870
Sun Cr 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51242
Sun Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50778
Sun Creek Reservoir 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 141102
Sun Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 43101
Sun River 4 Sun Cascade, Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 50506
Sun River Slope Canal SUN R SLOPE CANAL, sunnyslope 4 Sun Teton 0.0 52538
Sun River Unnamed Tributary, RM 75.75 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 12923726
Sunburst Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 52122
Suphellen Reservoir 4 Willow Toole 0.0 42531
Surenough Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 49352
Surprise Creek 4 Arrow Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 50277
Surprise Creek Reservoir 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 39882
Swamp Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52881
Swan Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51133
Swanson Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48719
Swanson Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40743
Swazee Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 43450
Sweats Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52337
Sweeney Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52202
Sweet Grass Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51456
Swift Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 53085
Swift Reservoir 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 41453
Swiftcurrent Creek 1, 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 47187
Swimming Woman Creek 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Fergus, Golden Valley 0.0 49797
Swindell Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 40468
Taffy Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 48665
Tail Feather Coulee 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54027
Tank Coulee DRAIN CANAL #13 4 Sun Teton 0.0 52476
Tar Head Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54131
Taylor Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52604
Taylor Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50925
Tedson Reservoir 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 43561
Telephone Coulee 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 51015
Telephone Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51121
Telephone Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 55822
Temple Gulch 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 50763
Tenderfoot Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51066
Tenmile Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52046
Tepee Coulee 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Fergus, Golden Valley 0.0 49152
Tester Reservoir 4 Big Sandy Chouteau 0.0 141354
Teton River 4 Teton Chouteau, Teton 0.0 50002
Thain Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51402
The Pot Hole 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 42576
Thomas Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51338
Thomas Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 47236
Thompson Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48423
Thompson Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51430
Thorsens Pond 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 43274
Three Lakes 1 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40201
Three Lakes 2 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40203
Three Lakes 3 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 40198
Three Lakes Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 45307
Threemile Coulee 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49212
Threemile Creek 2, 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark, Powell 0.0 54376
Threemile Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54510
Thunder Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50221
Tiber Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 50421
Tiber Reservoir Lake Elwell 4 Willow Liberty 0.0 43312
Tiger Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 52439
Tillinghast Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51310
Timber Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52574
Timber Coulee 4 Marias Toole, Liberty 0.0 50676
Timber Coulee 4 Teton Chouteau, Teton 0.0 51598
Timber Creek 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Fergus, Wheatland 0.0 49181
Timber Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50572
Tin Can Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52296
Tintinger Slough 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 40218
Toad Creek 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 55247
Toad Lake 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 41849
Tobins Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 52402
Tolan Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50582
Toll Mountain Reservoir 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 141049
Tom Dale Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 49973
Toms Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 53949
Toms Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50902
Tomsheck Pond 4 Willow Toole 0.0 141419
Tomty Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49094
Tongue Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 45469
Toole Reservoir 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 141431
Tootsie Creek 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51364
Towhead Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52100
Townsend Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54565
Townsend Gulch 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50150
Towsley Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54772
Trail Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54359
Trail Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 53087
Trail Creek 4 Willow Toole 0.0 45612
Trail Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50007
Trail Creek 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 51065
Trail Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52923
Trankle Pond 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 141066
Trapper Gulch 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 55288
Treadwell Coulee 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 51736
Trebesh Pond 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 39861
Trib 1 to North Fork Little Belt Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 65797896
Trib to Big Spring Creek RM 6.26 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 57775
Trib to Bluff Mountain Cr RM 1.3 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 16415301
Trib to Deadhorse Creek RM 2.55 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 81256109
Trib to Kennedy Cr RM 6.1 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 12140047
Trib to Muddy Creek RM 26 4 Sun, Teton Teton 0.0 12923727
Trib to NF Highwood Cr RM 3.73 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 12286176
Trib to Otatso Creek RM 7.2 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 12139941
Trinity Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52842
Trinity Spring 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 43486
Trout Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52306
Trout Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51619
Trout Creek 4 Smith Cascade, Meagher 0.0 51107
Trout Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54102
Trout Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52043
Trust-to-luck Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54518
Tubby Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 54994
Tucker Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52466
Tueverson Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51962
Tunnel Lake 4 Sun Teton 0.0 39683
Turk Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 39875
Turner Reservoir 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 43228
Twelvemile Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51913
Twelvemile Coulee 4 Big Sandy Chouteau 0.0 49722
Twelvemile Coulee Reservoir 4 Big Sandy Chouteau 0.0 43899
Twin Bridge Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52430
Twin Buttes Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52248
Twin Cabins Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50467
Twin Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 52694
Twin Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51943
Twin Lakes 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 43266
Twin Lakes 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 43268
Twin Lakes 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 42972
Twin Lakes 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 43043
Twin Lakes 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 41438
Twin Lakes 4 Teton Teton 0.0 39686
Twin Lakes 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 40487
Twin Lakes 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 43046
Two Calf Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49064
Two Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51077
Two Medicine Main Canal 4 Cut Bank, Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 54821
Two Medicine River TWO MEDICINE R 1, 4 Cut Bank, Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 52159
Twomile Coulee 4 Willow Toole 0.0 52572
Tyler Creek TYLER CR 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48890
Tyrell Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 53123
Uncle Ben Gulch 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark 0.0 54713
Uncle George Creek 2, 4 Upper Clark Fork Lewis & Clark, Powell 0.0 47256
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 45225
Unnamed UNNAMED 4 Upper Milk Toole 0.0 52577
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 53404
Unnamed 4 Sun Teton 0.0 45573
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 45543
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 45463
Unnamed 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54546
Unnamed 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 55721
Unnamed 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 45467
Unnamed 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54777
Unnamed 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54647
Unnamed 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54649
Unnamed Rabbit Creek-NHD 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 57295
Unnamed 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51210
Unnamed 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 45042
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 45274
Unnamed 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 45040
Unnamed 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 45703
Unnamed 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54622
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 45584
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52649
Unnamed 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 45085
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 45602
Unnamed 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52370
Unnamed 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 45876
Unnamed 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 45459
Unnamed 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 46921
Unnamed UNNAMED 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 49711
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 49997
Unnamed 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50665
Unnamed Fort Shaw Canal 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 53041
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 45269
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 45276
Unnamed 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 45091
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50434
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51621
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 51379
Unnamed 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 45043
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52839
Unnamed 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 49349
Unnamed 4 Flatwillow Petroleum 0.0 48614
Unnamed 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 45072
Unnamed 4 Flatwillow Petroleum 0.0 48161
Unnamed 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 45090
Unnamed 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 45567
Unnamed 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 45028
Unnamed 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 49365
Unnamed 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 45089
Unnamed 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 45698
Unnamed 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 45366
Unnamed 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 54133
Unnamed 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52696
Unnamed 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 45701
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 57758
Unnamed 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 54712
Unnamed 4 Upper Milk Glacier 0.0 45277
Unnamed UNNAMED 4 Sun, Upper Missouri - Dearborn Teton 0.0 52760
Unnamed 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Chouteau 0.0 51774
Unnamed Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 41357
Unnamed Trib to Cottonwood Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 45581
Unnamed Trib to East Fork Rock Creek RM 1.53 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 17257281
Unnamed Trib to Harrison Creek RM 6.77 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 17226487
Unnamed Trib to Little Sheep Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 65644223
Unnamed Trib to North Fork Little Belt Creek LITTLE BELT CR 4 Belt Cascade, Chouteau, Judith Basin 0.0 50397
Unnamed Trib to Steep Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 45443
Unnamed Trib to West Fork Cottonwood Creek RM 1.479 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 17279621
Unnamed Tributary of East Fork Armells Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 63307138
Unnamed Tributary to Beaver Creek Chessman Creek 4 x 0.0 77668495
Unnamed Tributary to Cottonwood Creek Trib to Cottonwood Cr RM 17 4 x 0.0 85920934
Unnamed Tributary to Fourmile Creek Fourmile Spring Creek 4 x 0.0 77667659
Unnamed Tributary to Hall Creek 4 x 0.0 88672384
Unnamed Tributary to Harley Creek Harley Creek Tributary 4 x 0.0 77667600
Unnamed Tributary to Jefferson Creek Slide Rock Creek 4 x 0.0 77668573
Unnamed Tributary to Little Willow Creek Hidden Valley Creek 4 x 0.0 77659126
Unnamed Tributary to Trout Creek 4 x 0.0 88703454
Unnamed pond on trib of Maiden Creek Maiden Spring Pond 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 38171437
Unnamed trib to Beaver Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 16405091
Unnamed trib to Belt Cr RM 84.6 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50372
Unnamed trib to Big Birch Cr 11.9 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 12140003
Unnamed trib to Cottonwood Cr 17 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 47243
Unnamed trib to Cottonwood Cr 40 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51938
Unnamed trib to Cut Bank John Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 55027
Unnamed trib to Flat Cr RM 24.8 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50855
Unnamed trib to Howard Coulee UNNAMED 4, 5 Middle Musselshell Musselshell, Petroleum 0.0 49368
Unnamed trib to Kinley Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 52729
Unnamed trib to Kinnerely Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 53639
Unnamed trib to Lepleys Cr RM .27 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50567
Unnamed trib to Little Muddy Cr 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52302
Unnamed trib to Little Rock Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54808
Unnamed trib to MF Dearborn R 11 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54091
Unnamed trib to Milk R RM 638.6 UNNAMED 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 54530
Unnamed trib to Milk R RM 644.3 UNNAMED 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 55034
Unnamed trib to Mud Spring Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50238
Unnamed trib to Muddy Cr 4 Sun Teton 0.0 52933
Unnamed trib to Muddy Cr RM 27.2 4 Sun Teton 0.0 52928
Unnamed trib to NF Greaswood Cr 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54294
Unnamed trib to NF Highwood Cr 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 13017908
Unnamed trib to NF Milk R RM 14.1 4 Milk Headwaters Glacier 0.0 54575
Unnamed trib to Red River RM 7.1 4 Upper Milk Toole, Glacier 0.0 52216
Unnamed trib to SF Little Rock Co 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 52188
Unnamed trib to SF Two Medicine R 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 54558
Unnamed trib to Teton R RM 54.6 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 51478
Unnamed trib to Trout Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 12140033
Unnamed trib to Willow Cr RM 19.5 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 55580
Unnamed1 UNNAMED 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 49745
Unnamed1 UNNAMED 4 Sun Teton 0.0 53076
Uphill Creek 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51314
Upper Baldy Lake 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 40699
Upper Carters Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 43166
Upper Chain Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 39677
Upper Dry Blood Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 141116
Upper Frog Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 12139910
Upper Hasler Pond 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 15036526
Upper Holter Lake 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 40402
Upper Mission Lake 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 39692
Upper Twin Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51951
Upper Two Medicine Lake 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 40818
Urs Pond 4 Arrow Fergus 0.0 141168
Urvi Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50442
Urvi Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50966
Valentine Lake 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 141149
Van Horn Ranch Reservoir 4 Teton Teton 0.0 141294
Vanek Pond #2 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141115
Vann Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50259
Vaver Reservoir 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 43499
Vermont Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51804
Vestal Reservoir 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141130
Vigilante Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52874
Villars Creek 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 51674
Violett Reservoir 4 Willow Liberty 0.0 39795
Virden Lake 4 Marias Toole 0.0 40451
Virgin Creek 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51212
Virgin Gulch 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48866
Virginia Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54670
Voldseth Reservoir 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 43473
Volf Reservoir 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 39916
Waddel Lakes 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 42976
Waddel Lakes 4 Two Medicine Pondera 0.0 42973
Wadsworth Lake 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 43880
Wagner Coulee 4, 7 Lower Musselshell Garfield 0.0 48289
Wagner Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50906
Wagner Gulch 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 45654
Waite Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49862
Walden Reservoir 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 43181
Waldron Cr, N Fk 4 Teton Teton 0.0 55829
Waldron Cr, S Fk 4 Teton Teton 0.0 55818
Waldron Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 55324
Walker Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 50166
Walker Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51846
Walker Reservoir 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 40002
Wanken Reservoir 4 Marias Toole 0.0 40405
Wapiti Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54965
War Horse Lake 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 43847
Warm Spring Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 50064
Warm Springs Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50987
Warm Springs Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 49922
Warren Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50106
Washout Creek 4 Two Medicine Teton 0.0 55819
Washout Gulch 3, 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark, Broadwater 0.0 52888
Wasteway Coulee 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 52183
Watkins Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Chouteau 0.0 50371
Watson Coulee 4 Sun Cascade 0.0 51807
Waymeir Creek 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 51401
Weasel Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 52002
Weasel Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52809
Weasel Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53750
Weatherwax Coulee 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 51217
Weatherwax Creek 4 Judith Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 51397
Weber Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50043
Wegner Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 52662
Weino Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 54660
Welcome Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54181
Wells Fork Rock Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54551
Wertz Reservoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 43237
West Bercail Creek 4, 5 Upper Musselshell Fergus, Wheatland 0.0 49758
West Buffalo Creek 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 50584
West Canyon Ferry Canal 3, 4 Upper Missouri Broadwater 0.0 49707477
West China Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 45281
West Dry Fork Coulee 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 51309
West Fork Antelope Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49778
West Fork Beaver Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53958
West Fork Beaver Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49161
West Fork Big Rock Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49686
West Fork Birch Creek 4, 6 Bullwhacker - Dog Hill, Chouteau 0.0 49690
West Fork Blacktail Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54365
West Fork Blake Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Fergus 0.0 49176
West Fork Calf Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51919
West Fork Checkerboard Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50402
West Fork Comb Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 51084
West Fork Cottonwood Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 48644
West Fork Cottonwood Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50121
West Fork Cottonwood Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51147
West Fork Ellis Canyon 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51076
West Fork Falls Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52239
West Fork Flat Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50779
West Fork Flat Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 53391
West Fork Hound Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 53406
West Fork Lost Fork 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50549
West Fork Middle Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 52876
West Fork Mud Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50757
West Fork Mud Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50055
West Fork North Fork Teton River 4 Teton Teton 0.0 54064
West Fork Rogers Coulee 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50907
West Fork Salt Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49755
West Fork Sand Creek 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49674
West Fork Sixmile Coulee 4 Big Sandy Chouteau 0.0 50989
West Fork South Fork Sun River 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 55048
West Fork Stiner Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50528
West Fork Timber Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Fergus 0.0 49760
West Fork Tyler Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48917
West Fork Willow Creek 4 Willow Toole 0.0 51805
West Prong Dearborn River 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51223
West School Section Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 48860
West Sheep Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52419
Westermarks Reservoir 1 4 Marias Toole 0.0 41980
Westermarks Reservoir 2 4 Marias Toole 0.0 41364
Wet Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51623
Whetstone Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 43946
Whisker Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 48172
Whisker Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 42864
Whiskey Spring Coulee 4 Belt Judith Basin 0.0 49924
Whisky Creek 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 48921
White Bear Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 45301
White Coulee 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48608
White Creek 3, 4 Upper Missouri Broadwater 0.0 52731
White Elephant Reservoir 4 Marias Chouteau 0.0 40696
White Lake 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 43525
White Man Coulee 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 54300
Whitecalf Coulee 4 Two Medicine Glacier 0.0 54209
Whitehorn Reservoir 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 141257
Whitehorse Creek 3, 4 Upper Missouri Broadwater 0.0 52828
Whiterock Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 55266
Whites Coulee 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 48092
Whitetail Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 53410
Whitetail Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 47747
Whitetail Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 55327
Whitetail Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 54336
Whitetail Deer Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51479
Whitetail Reservoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 43185
Whitewater Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54008
Whoop-up Creek 4, 5 Middle Musselshell Fergus, Musselshell 0.0 49513
Wickens Lake 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Fergus 0.0 40471
Widow Coulee 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Chouteau 0.0 50910
Wigger Pond 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 141266
Wild Creek 1, 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 46317
Wild Horse Lake 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 43846
Wild Rock Canyon 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 50889
Wilder Coulee 4, 6 Fort Peck Reservoir Phillips 0.0 48087
Willet Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51265
Williams Creek 4 Belt Cascade, Judith Basin 0.0 51371
Williams Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50895
Willis Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 51660
Willis Pond 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 141205
Willow Creek 4 St. Mary Glacier 0.0 55287
Willow Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52985
Willow Creek 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50602
Willow Creek 4 Willow Toole 0.0 51070
Willow Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 44103
Willow Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51238
Willow Creek 4 Cut Bank Glacier 0.0 54452
Willow Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 51257
Willow Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 49894
Willow Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52197
Willow Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52710
Willow Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52689
Willow Creek 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50746
Willow Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade, Lewis & Clark 0.0 52428
Willow Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 54746
Willow Creek 4, 5 Middle Musselshell Fergus, Musselshell 0.0 48090
Willow Creek Reservoir 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 43915
Willow Creek Reservoir 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 43064
Willow Creek Reservoir 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 43552
Willson Reservoir 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 39879
Wilson Coulee 4 Willow Liberty 0.0 50618
Wilson Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50032
Wilson Pond 4 Marias Toole 0.0 141374
Wilson Reservoir 4 Marias Toole 0.0 42543
Windfall Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53812
Windmill Coulee 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50851
Windy Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 51116
Winginaw Coulee 4 Marias Pondera 0.0 54499
Winnett Irrigation Co Ditch 4 Box Elder Petroleum 0.0 49253
Wolery Fish Pond 4 Sage Liberty 0.0 43546
Wolf Butte Coulee 4 Arrow Judith Basin 0.0 50104
Wolf Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 51973
Wolf Coulee 4 Teton Chouteau 0.0 50622
Wolf Coulee 4 Bullwhacker - Dog Chouteau 0.0 49163
Wolf Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 49257
Wolf Coulee 4 Marias Toole 0.0 44993
Wolf Coulee 4 Teton Teton 0.0 51720
Wolf Coulee Reservoir #1 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 141201
Wolf Coulee Reservoir 2 4 Lower Musselshell Fergus 0.0 39987
Wolf Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 51759
Wolf Creek 4 Judith Fergus, Judith Basin 0.0 49648
Wolf Crk Ranch Pond, Lower 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141156
Wolf Crk Ranch Pond, Upper 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 141160
Wolfe Coulee 4 Marias Liberty 0.0 51029
Wolsey Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51796
Wolverine Creek 4 Judith Fergus 0.0 49192
Wood Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 53817
Wood Gulch 4 Belt Cascade 0.0 51384
Wood Lake 4 Sun Lewis & Clark 0.0 42975
Woodchopper Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52032
Woodcock Coulee 4 Arrow Chouteau 0.0 50009
Wooden Shoe Creek 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 52528
Woodhawk Creek 4 Fort Peck Reservoir Fergus 0.0 48429
Woodland Estates Pond 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 141180
Woods Coulee 4 Willow Toole, Liberty 0.0 51631
Woods Coulee 4 Marias Teton 0.0 52185
Woods Coulee 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 49256
Woods Creek 4 Two Medicine Pondera, Glacier 0.0 55676
Woods Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 57530
Woods Creek 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52165
Woods Gulch 4 Upper Musselshell Meagher 0.0 50152
Woods Gulch Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 50914
Woods Place Reservoir 4 Lower Musselshell Petroleum 0.0 45766203
Wrangle Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Lewis & Clark 0.0 52036
Wright Creek 4 Teton Teton 0.0 53943
Wrong Creek 4 Sun Lewis & Clark, Teton 0.0 54995
Wry Creek 4 Smith Meagher 0.0 51583
Yank Creek 4 Upper Missouri - Dearborn Cascade 0.0 52947
Yellow Water Creek 4 Flatwillow Fergus, Petroleum 0.0 48633
Yellow Water Reservoir 4 Flatwillow Petroleum 0.0 43841
Yogo Creek 4 Judith Judith Basin 0.0 50260
York Gulch 4 Upper Missouri Lewis & Clark 0.0 52472
Zahn Pond 4 Box Elder Fergus 0.0 141151
ingalls creek Wade Coulee 4 Smith Cascade 0.0 52571