Where to Fish Hauser Reservoir

Hauser Lake is a 3,200 acre reservoir on the Missouri River created by Hauser Dam. The lake yields rainbow and brown trout, walleye and perch. It is an extremely popular take-off point for weekend boating, fishing, and water skiing. There are scenic public campgrounds on Hauser Lake, White Sandy (BLM), Devil's Elbow (BLM), Riverside (BOR) and a few yards further Black Sandy State Park (MFWP).

Special Notices & Closures 

Fishing Report for the week of 02/03/2025

The trout fishing has been pretty good at the Causeway and out from Black Sandy while using plain crawlers, meal worms, small spoons, or ice jigs with rubber legs. A few walleye and some nice sized perch are being caught towards the powerlines and also out on Lake Helena while using various jigs tipped with maggots or nightcrawlers. A few burbot are being caught out from White Sandy while using cut bait near the bottom. There has been around 6 to 8 inches of ice in most places.

Size: 3,200.1 acres
Elevation: 3,647.4 ft
Directions: Causeway - 7 miles north of Helena on I-15 at mile marker 200, then 5 miles east on Hwy 453. York Bridge - East of Helena on York Road (Secondary 280) 13 miles.
Status of the Fishery: Hauser Reservoir, including Lake Helena, is home to some unique fishing opportunities in the Helena Area. Annually, yellow perch, walleye, and rainbow trout, all spring spawners, draw anglers to the river below Canyon Ferry Dam and Lake Helena. In the river below Canyon Ferry Dam, shoreline anglers do well on the east shore near Riverside Campground (Bureau of Reclamation) and on the west shore, via Eagle Bay Drive, for both rainbow trout and walleye from approximately late March through June. Boat anglers have access below Canyon Ferry Dam via the boat ramp at Riverside Campground and have excellent opportunities for rainbow trout and walleye in the spring from the dam to Spokane Creek Bay. In Lake Helena, its shallow, turbid water allow it to warm quickly in the spring, which draws yellow perch and walleye up from the Causeway Arm of Hauser Reservoir to spawn. Peak spring angling opportunities occur from late March through late May or until increased vegetation growth prevents angling success. Shoreline anglers have success in the spring on Lake Helena at the Causeway Fishing Access Site (FAS) and boat access is limited to the Lake Helena FAS (FAS) boat ramp. Be aware that Lake Helena is very shallow (less than 10 feet deep) and a no-wake restriction is in place most of the year to protect waterfowl production.
Township/Range/Section: 11N 2W 14
Latitude/Longitude: 46.70698 -111.81725
FWP Region: Region 4  
County: Lewis & Clark
Fishing District: Central
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Waterbody Section Field Form Type Date Purpose Species
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For Comparative analysis all Length Units are millimeters : all Weights are grams

Species Count Avg StdDev Min Max AvgWgt StdDevWgt MinWeight S/L Sects Surveys Waterbody
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For Comparative analysis all Length Units are millimeters : all Weights are grams

Waterbody Section Species Count AveLength StdDevLength MinLength MaxLength AveWeight StdDevWeight MinWeight MaxWeight
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For Comparative analysis all Length Units are millimeters : all Weights are grams

Waterbody Year Section Species Count AveLength StdDevLength MinLength MaxLength AveWeight StdDevWeight MinWeight MaxWeight
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This is a preview, all fields will be visible by selecting a download option. For Comparative analysis all Length Units are millimeters : all Weights are grams.

Year Species Abbrv Length Weight M/C Count Sex Mort Hook Scar Disease Scales Otolith Fin Clip Tag Comment Genetics Age Stomach Intercept Slope Gear Equipment Trip Date Pass/Run Water Section Lat/Down Lon/Down Lat/Up Lon/Up Agency Start Depth End Depth
Year Angler Days Std. Error
2021 40332 5716
2020 32765 5418
2019 38081 5321
2017 36948 8116
2015 43053 5514
View the latest Montana Fishing Regulations.

This waterbody has a fish consumption advisory. Please see the link for guidelines.

Fish Consumption Guidelines (PDF)
