Where to Fish Middle Fork Monture Creek

Middle Fork Monture Creek

The Middle Fork of Monture Creek is a small 2nd order tributary stream that drains three small cirque lakes each averaging about 6-acres in size. The Monture Lakes lie at elevations between 7,217 and 7,702’, and they drain the southern slopes of Moser Mountain and is also fed by a small un-named tributary stream draining the western slopes of Foolhen Mountain, the Middle Fork drains a ~ 7 mile² basin just south of the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area. This area is located on Lolo National Forest and is managed for wilderness values. This Middle Fork is 3.6-miles in length and generates an estimated base-flow of 4-6cfs. Gradient is relatively steep near the headwaters descending ~ 788’ the first 0.6-miles decreasing to an average of 377’/ mile between miles one and three and decreasing to 169’/mile in the lower mile. The Middle Fork enters Monture Creek at stream-mile 25.9, which is ~ 0.2 miles upstream of Monture Creek Falls. Much of the riparian under-story vegetation at the survey section (mile 0.8) on Middle Fork Monture Creek is dense alder mixed with willow and rocky mountain maple, ferns and various grasses beneath a canopy of Douglas fir, Englemann spruce, lodgepole pine and black cottonwood stands. The channel supports pool and riffle sequences with a predominately cobble and boulder substrate, overhanging vegetation and under-cut banks. Large woody debris recruitment to the stream channel at the survey location is light.

Mile Upper: 4.492
Mile Lower: 0.0
Mouth Latitude/Longitude: 47.26685 -113.17856
Status of the Fishery:
FWP Region: Region 2 
County: Powell
Fishing District: Western
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Waterbody Section Field Form Type Date Purpose Species
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For Comparative analysis all Length Units are millimeters : all Weights are grams

Species Count Avg StdDev Min Max AvgWgt StdDevWgt MinWeight S/L Sects Surveys Waterbody
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For Comparative analysis all Length Units are millimeters : all Weights are grams

Waterbody Section Species Count AveLength StdDevLength MinLength MaxLength AveWeight StdDevWeight MinWeight MaxWeight
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For Comparative analysis all Length Units are millimeters : all Weights are grams

Waterbody Year Section Species Count AveLength StdDevLength MinLength MaxLength AveWeight StdDevWeight MinWeight MaxWeight
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This is a preview, all fields will be visible by selecting a download option. For Comparative analysis all Length Units are millimeters : all Weights are grams.

Year Species Abbrv Length Weight M/C Count Sex Mort Hook Scar Disease Scales Otolith Fin Clip Tag Comment Genetics Age Stomach Intercept Slope Gear Equipment Trip Date Pass/Run Water Section Lat/Down Lon/Down Lat/Up Lon/Up Agency Start Depth End Depth
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