Where to Fish Jefferson River

The Jefferson River originates at the junction of the Big Hole and Beaverhead rivers, near Twin Bridges, Montana, and runs northeasterly 77 miles to Three Forks, where it joins the Madison and Gallatin rivers to form the Missouri River. In its upper reach, the Jefferson meanders widely through a grassy valley between the Continental Divide on the west and the Tobacco Root Mountains on the east. Near Whitehall, approximately halfway along its course, the Jefferson turns east away from the mountains. It cuts deeply through a high, semi-arid plain to flow past rocky cliffs, sagebrush, and native grasses. From its confluence with the Boulder River near Cardwell to Missouri Headwaters State Park, the Jefferson is primarily confined to a single channel, except near Three Forks. There it braids, forming many islands and side channels in a rich bottomland. The Jefferson River is extensively used as a source of irrigation water and is subject to severe dewatering in low-water years. The Ruby and Clark Canyon reservoirs, which impound major upstream tributaries of the Jefferson, affect the river's flow pattern. The river itself challenges floodplain developments with its natural tendency to migrate. In addition to fishing, the Jefferson River and its floodplain provide opportunities for waterfowl hunting, trapping, floating, sightseeing and asparagus picking.

Mile Upper: 76.96
Mile Lower: 0.0
Mouth Latitude/Longitude: 45.92696 -111.50742
Status of the Fishery:
FWP Region: Region 3  
County: Broadwater  •  Gallatin  •  Jefferson  •  Madison  •  Butte/Silver Bow
Fishing District: Central
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Waterbody Section Field Form Type Date Purpose Species
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For Comparative analysis all Length Units are millimeters : all Weights are grams

Species Count Avg StdDev Min Max AvgWgt StdDevWgt MinWeight S/L Sects Surveys Waterbody
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For Comparative analysis all Length Units are millimeters : all Weights are grams

Waterbody Section Species Count AveLength StdDevLength MinLength MaxLength AveWeight StdDevWeight MinWeight MaxWeight
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For Comparative analysis all Length Units are millimeters : all Weights are grams

Waterbody Year Section Species Count AveLength StdDevLength MinLength MaxLength AveWeight StdDevWeight MinWeight MaxWeight
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This is a preview, all fields will be visible by selecting a download option. For Comparative analysis all Length Units are millimeters : all Weights are grams.

Year Species Abbrv Length Weight M/C Count Sex Mort Hook Scar Disease Scales Otolith Fin Clip Tag Comment Genetics Age Stomach Intercept Slope Gear Equipment Trip Date Pass/Run Water Section Lat/Down Lon/Down Lat/Up Lon/Up Agency Start Depth End Depth
Year River Mile Angler Days Std. Error
2021 0  to  76.96 9548 2342
2020 0  to  76.96 16863 3235
2019 0  to  76.96 10076 1792
2017 0  to  76.9 8164 1893
2015 0  to  76.9 10590 1719
View the latest Montana Fishing Regulations.
Station Name RiverMile Website Link
Jefferson River near Twin Bridges MT 72 Link
Jefferson River near Three Forks MT 7 Link